Training & Guidance

2024 Postabortion Care Curriculum

Postabortion care (PAC) is a package of lifesaving interventions that combines maternal healthcare, including emergency treatment for complications of induced or spontaneous abortion, with voluntary contraceptive counseling and service delivery before a PAC client is discharged from a facility. When PAC is accessible, affordable, of high-quality, and performed by capable healthcare providers, it can prevent maternal deaths and disabilities and improve access to contraception.

This revised 2024 curriculum for service providers builds on an earlier version published in 2010. It incorporates updates from key resources, as well as evidence from decades of PAC programming and implementation research around the world. This revision removes outdated practices, adds detailed considerations around working with youth, and reflects learnings from the COVID-19 pandemic, including the need for increased attention to infection prevention and control for healthcare workers and those seeking care, as well as the importance of providing integrated services to clients who do reach health facilities for care. We have also streamlined the narrative to improve understanding and skills acquisition.

Each resource is organized in 4 modules:

  • Module 1. Postabortion Care
  • Module 2. Emergency treatment
  • Module 3. Provision of FP, STI screening and treatment, and HIV counseling and testing
  • Module 4. Infection prevention

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