
Publication Date September 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Early Warning Systems: Rapid Assessments

Early Warning Systems are vital components of disaster risk management and the resilience of health systems, providing local stakeholders—governments, service providers, and communities—with the necessary information and time to prepare for and respond quickly to disasters and other hazardous events

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Perinatal Mental Health Consequences of Stillbirth and Potential Interventions: Summary of Evidence From Low- And Middle-Income Countries

Worldwide, around two million women experience stillbirth each year. Most of these deaths are preventable. Action to improve timely, equitable access to high-quality care is urgently needed to prevent these deaths but must be coupled with action to improve the supportive care that bereaved women receive to reduce psychological morbidity.

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus: A Cross-Country Case Study Brief on Mali and South Sudan

Drawing from the case studies developed for Mali and South Sudan, this brief aims to synthesize key findings, commonalities, and differences in each context as it pertains to the humanitarian-development-peace nexus (HDpN) and applications to family planning, reproductive health and maternal, newborn, and child health (FP/RH/MNCH) interventions. These themes were drawn from the original HDN conceptual framework developed for MIHR by the Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health. Both Mali and South Sudan are deeply complex and fragile environments, with the caveat that such fragility is not uniform across each country. Significant themes are outlined below and summarized in a comparative table of findings for each country drawing from both the conceptual framework and the WHO Health System Building Blocks.

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Enhancing Quality of Care and Client Experience Through Client Feedback

The client feedback mechanism is a novel approach used by MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery Nepal to help private providers enhance quality of care and client-centered services. The brief describes the client feedback mechanism and results of its use with private service delivery points in Karnali and Madhesh provinces of Nepal from 2021-2023.

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Private Sector Engagement in Nutrition

As part of its efforts to build cross-sector partnerships for nutrition, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership conducted a global nutrition-focused private sector engagement assessment, comprised of a landscape overview and business case, to inform both future country programming and global efforts. The landscape overview provides a framework of in-scope nutrition interventions and an overview of gaps in nutrition outcomes and current programming, and details the landscape of private sector engagement modalities as well as emerging practices for these modalities. The business case development report contains findings from a prioritization of private sector engagement modalities and business cases for five priority modalities, which may be explored in future programming.

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Training & Guidance

2024 Postabortion Care Curriculum

Postabortion care (PAC) is a package of lifesaving interventions that combines maternal healthcare, including emergency treatment for complications of induced or spontaneous abortion, with voluntary contraceptive counseling and service delivery before a PAC client is discharged from a facility. When PAC is accessible, affordable, of high-quality, and performed by capable healthcare providers, it can prevent maternal deaths and disabilities and improve access to contraception.

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Performance Mapping and Improvement System (PERFORM)

PERFORM is an easy-to-use, systems-oriented tool based on MOMENTUM Knowledge Accelerator’s Enhanced Organizational Capacity Framework that assists partners and program implementers in identifying needed performance improvement course corrections in a timely manner. PERFORM offers a comprehensive suite of performance enhancement tools and processes that instills a deeper understanding of performance improvement and a discipline of reflection and learning within an organization. PERFORM can advance localization through flexible, locally driven processes that yield validated measurement results and strengthen skills for internal analysis and self-learning. PERFORM can advance localization through flexible, locally driven processes that yield validated measurement results and strengthen skills for internal analysis and self-learning. The system’s framework and monitoring approach, through short-term cycles, can be applied on its own or in combination with components of other assessment tools and monitoring processes. Further, PERFORM can yield measurable results for reporting on USAID’s CBLD-9 local capacity indicator and can contribute to the 14 best practices in USAID’s locally led programs indicator.

Publication Date August 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Accelerating Adaptive Learning: Resources, Tools, and Insights from MOMENTUM

This brief, a MOMENTUM learning agenda product, explores adaptive learning efforts within the MOMENTUM awards. It aims to take a closer look at adaptive learning practices and knowledge gained in the first few years of project implementation, to share high-level learnings to improve future work.

Publication Date August 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

COVID-19 Vaccination Program in Review: Serbia

As MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity’s COVID-19 vaccination program in Serbia comes to an end, we look back on the successes, challenges, and lessons learned that the project had in reaching underserved and priority populations and strengthening the health system. Download this report to learn more about the COVID-19 vaccination program in Serbia, which was conducted from May 2022 to June 2024.

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