Improving Childbirth Outcomes by Optimizing the Use of Uterotonics: Sharing Learning and Tools
Speakers included:
- Deborah Armbruster (moderator), Senior Maternal and Newborn Health Advisor, USAID
- Megan Marx Delaney, Research Scientist, MOMENTUM Knowledge Accelerator
- Suzanne Stalls, Director, Maternal and Newborn Health, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership
- Gaurav Sharma, Principal Technical Advisor, MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery
- Dr. Jovanny T. Fouogue, Obstetrician-Gynecologist, MOMENTUM Safe Surgery in Family Planning and Obstetrics
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Relevant Resources
Below are additional MOMENTUM resources related to optimizing uterotonic use to improve childbirth outcomes, many of which were mentioned at the recent webinar.
- MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership, MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery
- MOMENTUM Knowledge Accelerator
- Labor Induction and Augmentation Practices in India: How the Use of Uterotonic Medications Affects Stillbirth, Neonatal Mortality, and Use of Cesarean Deliveries Research Consolidation Bundle
- Evaluation Framework for Heat-stable Carbetocin: Implementation Research Design to Inform the Introduction and Scale of a New Medication to Prevent Postpartum Hemorrhage
- MOMENTUM Safe Surgery in Family Planning and Obstetrics