
Publication Date August 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Accelerating Adaptive Learning: Resources, Tools, and Insights from MOMENTUM

This brief, a MOMENTUM learning agenda product, explores adaptive learning efforts within the MOMENTUM awards. It aims to take a closer look at adaptive learning practices and knowledge gained in the first few years of project implementation, to share high-level learnings to improve future work.

Publication Date August 1, 2024 Webinars

Strengthening Analysis and Use of Routine Facility Data for Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health Webinar Series

Routine health facility data helps decision-makers better understand facilities’ service readiness, utilization, and quality, enabling evidence-based policy and resource decisions. MOMENTUM’s “Strengthening Analysis and Use of Routine Facility Data for Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health” webinar series is a “training of trainers” for monitoring, evaluation, and learning professionals working with MOMENTUM, USAID, and other partners.

Publication Date July 1, 2024 Webinars

Improving Childbirth Outcomes by Optimizing the Use of Uterotonics: Sharing Learning and Tools

On July 25, 2024, MOMENTUM held a webinar exploring strategies, efforts and tools related to optimizing uterotonic use to improve childbirth outcomes. Presentations explored uterotonic use for labor induction and augmentation, with a focus on practices in India and South Asia, and new efforts to prevent postpartum hemorrhage, including findings from a global survey of national programs and a proposed evaluation strategy related to heat-stable carbetocin for Madagascar. Following presentations, participants had the opportunity to engage with experts during a Q&A session.

Publication Date June 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Understanding the Dynamics Behind Cesarean Section Procedures in Private and Public Health Facilities

There is limited understanding about the dynamics of caesarean birth operations across public and private sector health facilities in low and middle-income countries. This report details the key findings and implications from a multi-country secondary analysis conducted by MOMENTUM and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, using Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) household data, and Service Provision Assessment (SPA) health facility data.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Localization Within MOMENTUM: How Awards are Contributing to USAID’s Vision for Locally Led and Sustainable Solutions

USAID and MOMENTUM partners convened in July 2023 to discuss how the suite of awards is operationalizing localization across activities to improve maternal, newborn, and child health, nutrition, voluntary family planning, and reproductive health outcomes. The Localization Learning Summary compiles learnings shared during the convening series describing how MOMENTUM contributes to USAID’s localization agenda. The Localization Measurement Summary contains information shared during the convening that describes how MOMENTUM measures localization.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Piloting a Lean Costing Approach for Family Planning and Maternal Health Services

MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery piloted a 'lean' costing approach to explore the costs and major cost drivers of FP and MH service delivery in the public and private sectors at three sites in Nigeria, Tanzania, and the DRC. This report summarizes the findings from the costing approach and discusses how the results and approach can help inform FP and MH programming.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Enhancing Private Sector Engagement Within Mixed Service Delivery Networks for Improved Family Planning in the Philippines

This deck of learnings elevates the key results, insights, and recommendations that have emerged from MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery's work in the Philippines. MOMENTUM's activity in the Philippines has addressed the barriers to private sector participation in delivering quality, affordable FP services by co-designing sustainable solutions with local partners and stakeholders.

Publication Date January 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Putting Meaningful Adolescent and Youth Engagement into Practice in Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming

Meaningful Adolescent and Youth Engagement (MAYE) is an inclusive, intentional, mutually respectful partnership between youth and adults used as an approach to design and implement SRH programs. This report captures MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery’s experience implementing MAYE in Malawi to meet demand for contraception among young people.

Publication Date January 1, 2024 About MOMENTUM

MOMENTUM Programs in West Africa: Regional Reference Brief

The West Africa Regional Reference Brief summarizes MOMENTUM’s programs and activities implemented in partner countries to improve equitable access to respectful quality maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition, voluntary family planning, and reproductive health care for all individuals and communities. The brief will be updated periodically as project activities evolve throughout the life of the project.

Publication Date January 1, 2024 About MOMENTUM

Projets MOMENTUM en Afrique de l’Ouest : Dossier de Référence Régional

Le dossier de référence régional pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest résume les programmes et activités de MOMENTUM mis en œuvre dans les pays partenaires afin d'améliorer l'accès équitable à une santé et une nutrition maternelle, néonatale et infantile de qualité, à un planning familial volontaire et à des soins de santé reproductifs pour tous les individus et toutes les communautés. Ce document sera mis à jour périodiquement en fonction de l'évolution des activités de la suite des projets tout au long de sa durée de vie.

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