Research & Evidence

South Sudan Social Norms Assessment

In 2021, MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience conducted an assessment of social norms related to voluntary family planning and reproductive health in South Sudan. MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience also conducted a webinar in July 2022 to summarize the findings of the assessment. The assessment, a recording of the webinar, webinar slides, and a short video summarizing the assessment are included on this page.

South Sudan Social Norms Assessment

In 2021, MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience conducted an assessment of social norms related to voluntary family planning and reproductive health in South Sudan. The assessment also explored issues around menstrual hygiene management, gender-based violence, and health-seeking behavior. Recommendations from the study include building positive norms to promote family planning; supporting male engagement strategies; engaging influencers as change agents in social norms transformation; and including health providers as partners in social and behavior change and social norms transformation. Study findings, which provide rich insights into how social norms influence and hinder women’s agency to use modern contraception, will inform ongoing MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience family planning and reproductive health programming.

Webinar: Tailoring Health Interventions for Mothers and Children Based on Evidence from a Social Norms Assessment in South Sudan

On Wednesday, September 21, 2022, MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience hosted a webinar to discuss the findings of their South Sudan Social Norms Assessment. Presentations focused on how the project used fictional vignettes to help the study population understand social norms, and further discussed social norms in South Sudan related to family planning, gender-based violence, and other thematic areas. The webinar also examined how MOMENTUM is using findings from the assessment to develop, implement, and monitor country-specific social and behavior change action plans.

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Adrienne Surprenant/IMA World Health

South Sudan Social Norms Video Summary

This 5-minute video offers the key findings and recommendations from the South Sudan Social Norms Assessment (available above).  Topics include community perspectives on family planning and childbearing, early and forced marriage, and gender-based violence.


IMA World Health/Adrienne Surprenant

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