Publication Date May 1, 2022 Program & Technical Resources

What’s on the Table? Rapid Landscape Review of Challenges to Successful Engagement of Private Family Planning Providers in Public Purchasing Schemes

MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery is supporting and strengthening private sector providers’ capacity to sustainably integrate and participate in public purchasing programs, including for family planning services. Led by ThinkWell, MOMENTUM has conducted a rapid landscape review that identifies the common barriers for private providers when engaging in public purchasing programs. The landscape draws on literature from across 23 countries and presents opportunities and recommendations to address private health provider challenges in engagement and collaboration within the public health sector.

Publication Date May 1, 2022 About MOMENTUM

MOMENTUM and the Government of Indonesia Partner to Save Mothers and Babies

Every year, Indonesia still loses more than 15,000 mothers and 75,000 newborns during labor and after delivery. MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership and the Government of Indonesia are partnering to reduce these deaths — the majority of which occur in hospitals. This video shows how a sustainable and scalable model being developed and refined in the province of East Nusa Tenggara has the potential to save the lives of mothers and babies across Indonesia.

Publication Date April 1, 2022 Webinars

All Things Zero-Dose 2.0: A Conversation on How Far We’ve Come

On Friday, April 29, 2022, immunization experts from across the MOMENTUM suite of awards participated in a “fireside chat” on Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube LIVE to discuss how to identify and reach zero-dose children— those who have not received even a single dose of the vaccines that prevent diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and other life-threatening and debilitating diseases—including the estimated 17 million who did not receive a single vaccine in 2020.

Publication Date April 1, 2022 Webinars

Seeing Old Problems Through a New Lens: Recognizing and Addressing Gender Barriers to Equitable Immunization

MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity hosted a webinar to discuss gender-related barriers to immunization on Wednesday, April 27, 2022. The webinar shared key learnings about gender barriers and how they obstruct equitable access to immunization services throughout a person’s life. The webinar also included discussions about the growing global movement to strengthen country-level implementers’ capacity, commitment, and confidence to develop and implement strategies addressing gender-related barriers to immunization.

Publication Date March 1, 2022 Research & Evidence

Barriers and Enablers of IMCI Implementation: A Desk Review Report

This desk review by MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership examines implementation barriers for the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) from a health systems perspective, summarizing common themes in the domains of human resources; medical technologies and supplies; health information systems; leadership and governance; and service delivery.

Publication Date March 1, 2022 Research & Evidence

Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan Resource Kit: What We Heard

Costed Implementations Plans (CIPs) are a critical tool for countries to transform ambitious family planning commitments, such as those made through FP2030 and the Ouagadougou Partnership, into concrete programs and policies. FP2030 and partners are revising the CIP Resource Kit, a package that provides standardized guidance and tools for countries to plan, develop, and execute a robust, actionable, and resourced strategy to achieve their family planning goals. Using a human-centered design process to gather in-country experience designing, implementing, and monitoring past CIPs, this report from MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership shares suggestions to inform revisions to the CIP Resource Kit and strengthen the overall CIP model.

Publication Date March 1, 2022 Program & Technical Resources

Review of Integrated Community Case Management and Family Planning/Reproductive Health Training Curricula for Pharmacists and Drug Shop Owners

MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery supports the scale-up of evidence-based approaches to improve the quality of integrated community case management (iCCM) and voluntary family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH) care offered through private pharmacies and drug shop vendors. MOMENTUM is developing a training curriculum and tools for cadres of private providers working in pharmacies and drug shops, as they are not often included in formal health system training for task-shared child health or FP services. As a first step in developing the curriculum, MOMENTUM undertook a review of materials from 11 existing iCCM and FP/RH curricula for lower-level providers. This review summarizes the findings from the curricula review and describes the process of the review. In addition to the report, MOMENTUM has also developed a Curricula Review Matrix which provides further details on the criteria used and each curriculum reviewed in the report. The Curricula Resources file includes all original training materials utilized in the MOMENTUM curricula review.

Publication Date February 1, 2022 Program & Technical Resources

The Humanitarian-Development Nexus: A Framework for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health, Voluntary Family Planning, and Reproductive Health

The Humanitarian-Development Nexus marks a turning point in the understanding of humanitarian and development settings by recognizing that previous linear models are obsolete, and that a region or country does not transition from humanitarian to development aid. Drawing from frameworks on the nexus put forth by the United Nations and health system strengthening from WHO and USAID, MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience developed this conceptual framework to visualize health programming in the Humanitarian-Development Nexus.

Publication Date February 1, 2022 About MOMENTUM

MOMENTUM Presents Podcast, Episode Two, Innovating in a Pandemic: Gender and Youth Equity amid COVID-19

Listen to the second episode of the MOMENTUM Presents podcast series to hear Patricia Bah from Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health and Sanitation and Marian Pleasant Kargbo, Sierra Leone’s Family Planning 2030 Youth Focal Person discuss what it takes to reach adolescents and youths with critical health services despite the incredible challenges of COVID-19.

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