
Publication Date June 1, 2024 About MOMENTUM

COVID-19 Vaccination Program in Review: the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

As MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity’s COVID-19 vaccination program in DRC comes to an end, this report looks back on the successes, challenges, and lessons learned that the project had in strengthening the health system, reaching underserved and priority populations, and strengthening the health workforce. Download this report to learn more about the COVID-19 vaccination program in DRC, which was conducted from May 2021 to April 2024.

Publication Date June 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Landscape Assessment on the Adaptation of Community Models and Approaches for Improving COVID-19 Immunization Across Sub-Saharan Africa

MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity conducted multiple literature reviews to identify community models and strategies that could be adapted to improve COVID-19 immunization across Sub-Saharan Africa. The overall purpose of this landscape analysis was to consider the use and adaptation of community engagement approaches and lessons from various global maternal and child public health initiatives which show that community engagement facilitates the uptake of health services. Considerations for programs aimed at improving COVID-19 vaccination are gleaned from key findings from this landscape analysis. Key program considerations on “who,” “how,” and “which” structures to engage are summarized and delineated in the document.

Publication Date June 1, 2024 Training & Guidance

Maternal Mental Health: A Toolkit for Engaging Faith Actors as Change Agents

The toolkit, created by MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership, is designed to equip diverse faith actors with the information and tools needed to raise awareness, deconstruct myths, and address barriers that inhibit positive maternal mental health so that women, families, and communities can thrive. The document includes tools to help faith actors promote maternal wellness, contains essential information on maternal mental health to reduce misinformation, and shares faith-based guidance on how to support perinatal girls and women suffering from maternal mental health conditions.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Recommendations for Governments To Maintain Continuous Family Planning Services During Shocks and Stressors

People need continuous access to family planning (FP) services as an essential component of SRH care to prevent unintended pregnancy. As stewards of their national health programs, governments must lead the way on advancing policies, programs, and financing that build resilient health systems and enable continuous access to health services across shocks and stressors. This brief provides recommendations for governments to improve preparedness to provide continuous FP services, build resilient health systems that can withstand and adapt to crises, and meet FP needs during crises and stable times alike. This brief is co-branded with the Women's Refugee Commission, IAWG, FP2030, USAID, MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience, and PROPEL Adapt.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (HDPN) and Applications to Family Planning, Reproductive Health, and Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Interventions in Fragile Settings: A Case Study from South Sudan

Numerous approaches have been developed to define the humanitarian-development nexus and more broadly, the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. This report examines the humanitarian-development nexus and its application to health interventions in South Sudan, specifically family planning, reproductive health, and maternal, newborn, and child health (FP/RH/MNCH), concluding with recommendations for stakeholders related to health services, institutional architecture, leadership, financing, coordination, and localization.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Introduction of the Safe Childbirth Checklist in Fragile Areas in Mali

The WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist (SCC) is a patient safety tool that consolidates essential birth practices to prevent the major causes of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality. The tool has been implemented in the southern regions of Mali, with demonstrable results. To address maternal and newborn mortality in areas where MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience works, the SCC was implemented in 23 health facilities in the Gao district beginning in December 2022. Post-training follow-up found that 21 facilities used the tool on 1,298 out of 1,698 deliveries (76 percent). 95 percent of users reported that the tool was very useful in demonstrating that SCC use in fragile settings may be feasible and useful to help reduce maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 About MOMENTUM

Strengthening Routine Immunization and Polio Eradication in DRC

This one-pager brief summarizes how MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity is supporting routine immunization capacity building, gender and equity, partnership strengthening, data quality and management, and polio eradication in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 About MOMENTUM

Strengthening COVID-19 Vaccination in DRC

This brief one-pager summarizes how MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity supported COVID-19 vaccination planning and coordination, demand generation and community engagement, data quality and management, service delivery, and integration into routine immunization health services in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Publication Date February 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Risk Communication and Community Engagement Resources: A Landscape Analysis of Guidance and Training Materials Supporting Community Health Workers

Risk communication and community engagement is a health strategy and response that is vital for individual, family, and community uptake of essential public health services. This brief provides an overview of existing guidance and training material for community health workers focusing on risk communication and community engagement.

Publication Date December 1, 2023 Program & Technical Resources

Youth-Led Social Accountability for Health

This interactive report summarizes the activities, learnings, and impacts of a partnership between MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership and two youth-led organizations (YLOs) to advance youth-led social accountability learning and practice. With MOMENTUM organizational and technical capacity development assistance, Youth Advocacy on Rights and Opportunities (YARO) in Ghana and Youth for Sustainable Development (YSD) in Kenya led social accountability activities to improve the quality of adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health (AYSRH) services and to conduct learning exercises to contribute to the global evidence on youth-led social accountability.

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