
Publication Date November 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Blended Learning in Essential Newborn Care: An Alternative Training Approach in South Sudan

This technical brief provides an overview of a blended (remote and in-person) essential newborn care training program conducted for health care workers based in fragile settings in South Sudan. It focuses on the implementation and results of the training process, along with lessons learned and recommendations for future blended training efforts. This is an important in a country like South Sudan, where poor access to health services, a limited number of appropriately skilled health providers, and lack of access to health services have produced some of the worst maternal, newborn, and child health outcomes in the world.

Publication Date November 1, 2024 Webinars

Partenariats avec le secteur privé pour améliorer les services de santé en contextes fragiles

Le 7 novembre 2024, MOMENTUM Facilitateur d'Apprentissage a organisé un webinaire sur les partenariats avec le secteur privé pour les services de planification familiale au Mali. L'événement a mis en lumière le travail effectué par MOMENTUM Prestation de Soins de Santé Privés et MOMENTUM Résilience Sanitaire Intégrée et leurs partenaires, le Groupe d’Initiative pour le Développement (GRIDEV) et l'Alliance du secteur privé pour la promotion de la santé au Mali (ASP-PSM). Les présentations ont été suivies d'un panel de discussion. Cette session a mis en avant le rôle crucial du secteur privé dans l'amélioration des services de planification familiale et de santé reproductive (PF/SR) dans les zones fragiles. Nous avons mis en avant des exemples de collaborations réussies ainsi que les défis qui demeurent à surmonter. L'événement s'est déroulé en français.

Publication Date November 1, 2024 Webinars

Le Nexus Humanitaire-Développement pour la Santé : Études de Cas du Mali et du Soudan du Sud

Le 7 novembre 2024, MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience a organisé un webinaire synthétisant les principales conclusions, les points communs et les différences dans chaque contexte à partir d'études de cas développées au Mali et au Sud-Soudan concernant le lien entre l'humanitaire, le développement et la paix (HDPN) et les applications au planning familial, à la santé reproductive et aux interventions de santé maternelle, néonatale et infantile.

Publication Date November 1, 2024 Webinars

The Humanitarian-Development Nexus for Health: Case Studies from Mali and South Sudan

Notions of a humanitarian-development divide, gap, or continuum go back decades and are outdated, as they have never fully depicted the overlapping reality and needs of most contexts across the world. Though numerous approaches have been developed to date, a broader understanding and operationalization within the humanitarian-development-peace nexus (HDPN) remains necessary, specifically in the health sector. On November 7, 2024, MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience hosted a webinar synthesizing key findings, commonalities, and differences in each context from case studies developed in Mali and South Sudan pertaining to the HDPN and applications to family planning, reproductive health and maternal, newborn, and child health interventions.

Publication Date October 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Opportunities for Integrated Climate and Nutrition Action: Findings from a Review of National Climate, Health, and Nutrition Policies, Strategies, and Plans in Eight Countries

The global and national policy landscape is transforming in recognition of the importance of coordinated actions and multisectoral initiatives to address the interdependent drivers of climate change, nutrition, and health. MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership conducted a desktop review to identify national climate, health, and nutrition policies in eight USAID nutrition priority countries (Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Nepal, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda) that could guide nutrition and climate adaptation actions. This report and complementary brief details the review, its findings, and recommendations.

Publication Date October 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Boîte à outils MAMI

Le parcours de soins pour la prise en charge des nourrissons âgés de moins de 6 mois, petits et à risque nutritionnel et de leurs mères (MAMI, Management of Small and Nutritionally At-Risk Infants under 6 months and their Mothers) est une approche visant à répondre aux besoins de soins des nourrissons vulnérables de moins de 6 mois et de leurs mères. MOMENTUM Résilience Sanitaire Intégrée s'est associé aux Ministères de la Santé du Niger et du Sud-Soudan pour adapter et mettre en œuvre cette approche (ou ce parcours de soins), en l'adaptant aux contextes locaux. Ce paquet comprend du matériel pour la préparation, la mise en œuvre et le suivi, l'évaluation et l'apprentissage, à l'intention des prestataires de soins et de leurs responsables. Le matériel peut être téléchargé sous forme de PDF, de fichiers zip ou de documents individuels.

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Early Warning Systems: Rapid Assessments from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, Niger, and South Sudan

Early Warning Systems are vital components of disaster risk management and the resilience of health systems, providing local stakeholders—governments, service providers, and communities—with the necessary information and time to prepare for and respond quickly to disasters and other hazardous events. As part of its efforts to build health resilience, MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience conducted a rapid assessment of existing early warning systems (EWS) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Mali, Niger and South Sudan. The assessment evaluated current EWS capabilities and provided recommendations for strengthening these systems to improve MNCH/FP/RH outcomes.

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus: A Cross-Country Case Study Brief on Mali and South Sudan

Drawing from the case studies developed for Mali and South Sudan, this brief aims to synthesize key findings, commonalities, and differences in each context as it pertains to the humanitarian-development-peace nexus (HDpN) and applications to family planning, reproductive health and maternal, newborn, and child health (FP/RH/MNCH) interventions. These themes were drawn from the original HDN conceptual framework developed for MIHR by the Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health. Both Mali and South Sudan are deeply complex and fragile environments, with the caveat that such fragility is not uniform across each country. Significant themes are outlined below and summarized in a comparative table of findings for each country drawing from both the conceptual framework and the WHO Health System Building Blocks.

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Baseline Recurrent Monitoring System for Health in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo

This baseline report establishes a benchmark for follow-up rounds of a recurrent monitoring system (RMS) taking place in North Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). An RMS is a survey and analysis method that uses panel data from the same households over several timepoints to capture real-time or near real-time information on shocks, capacities, and health and well-being outcomes. This report covers an RMS that is a part of work done by MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience, which seeks to assess the impact of shocks on health and health resilience capacities, as measured by individual and household knowledge, skills, behaviors, assets, social capital, and coping strategies related to voluntary family planning and reproductive health; maternal, newborn, and child health; and nutrition.

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