
Publication Date September 1, 2023 Program & Technical Resources

Strengthening Partnership with Faith Actors in Family Planning: A Strategic Planning Guide

High Impact Practices (HIPs) are a set of evidence-based family planning practices vetted by experts against specific criteria and documented in an easy-to-use format. MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership supported Christian Connections for International Health, a faith-based organization to develop a HIPs Strategic Planning Guide intended to lead program managers, planners, and decision-makers through a strategic process to meaningfully and effectively engage and strengthen partnership with faith actors in family planning.

Publication Date October 1, 2022 Program & Technical Resources

Is Your Health System Adolescent- And Gender-Responsive? A Participatory Tool for Analysis and Action Planning

Adolescent-responsive health systems integrate effective adolescent-friendly elements into all services. This tool from MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership helps stakeholders evaluate and improve the system’s responsiveness to adolescents' needs and rights, addressing gender barriers. It aids in planning, prioritizing, budgeting, and monitoring progress in quality of care for adolescents.

Publication Date July 1, 2022 Webinars

Improving Maternal and Infant Health: Adapting the MAMI Care Pathway in South Sudan

The Management of At-Risk Mothers and Infants (MAMI) Care Pathway (CP) is an intervention to improve the health of mothers and their infants. The current iteration of the Care Pathway, Version 3.0, was updated in 2021 and has been adapted to a number of contexts. MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience is working with the Government of South Sudan and other implementers to adapt and use the Care Pathway and to document lessons learned so that other countries can establish a process of their own for adapting this intervention, in particular to fragile contexts. In this webinar, we describe the Care Pathway, the process of adapting it in South Sudan, and the operations research we will conduct to better understand how the Care Pathway might be adapted in many different settings.

Publication Date January 1, 2022 Training & Guidance

Counseling for Choice (C4C) Tools and Resources

Contraceptive counseling is a key component of quality of care and ensuring informed choice for family planning. Counseling for Choice (C4C) is a contraceptive counseling approach that aims to change how providers and individuals participate in family planning counseling discussions, ensuring that people can use their voice and have agency to make the choices that meet their contraceptive needs.

Publication Date May 1, 2021 Training & Guidance

Essential Supply List For Infection Prevention and Control in Health Care Facilities

Maintaining Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) is essential for health workers to provide safe services for patients and staff. To maintain these IPC precautions, health care facilities must maintain an inventory of essential supplies and equipment. This document includes a list of essential supplies for health facilities in all health care service levels and contexts to include in their inventory for IPC.  This is the first resource to list all essential IPC items in a format similar to the WHO’s Model List of Essential Medicines that has guided ministries of health and partners for decades.

Publication Date August 1, 2020 About MOMENTUM


MOMENTUM is a suite of innovative awards funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development to holistically improve family planning and maternal and child health in host-countries around the world.

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