
Publication Date October 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Opportunities for Integrated Climate and Nutrition Action: Findings from a Review of National Climate, Health, and Nutrition Policies, Strategies, and Plans in Eight Countries

The global and national policy landscape is transforming in recognition of the importance of coordinated actions and multisectoral initiatives to address the interdependent drivers of climate change, nutrition, and health. MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership conducted a desktop review to identify national climate, health, and nutrition policies in eight USAID nutrition priority countries (Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Nepal, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda) that could guide nutrition and climate adaptation actions. This report and complementary brief details the review, its findings, and recommendations.

Publication Date July 1, 2024 Webinars

Renforcement de la préparation et de la réponse aux situations d’urgence en matière de planification familiale et de santé sexuelle et réproductive

Le 9 juillet 2024, MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience, en collaboration avec PROPEL Adapt et FP2030, a organisé un webinaire dans le cadre d'une série relative à la préparation aux urgences et à la résilience pour la planification familiale et la santé reproductive. FP2030 a investi dans la préparation et la réponse aux urgences en tant que stratégie clé pour renforcer la résilience des services de PF et sauver des vies en cas de chocs et de facteurs de stress pour les systèmes de santé ou les sociétés dans leur ensemble. Ce webinaire a fourni une occasion unique d'apprentissage et d'échange pour explorer la manière dont la RPE pour la PF/SRH peut être opérationnalisée et apprendre des pays des stratégies concrètes, des initiatives et des politiques qu'ils ont mises en œuvre pour assurer un accès continu à la PF et à la SRH pendant la crise. La session comprenait un dialogue avec des partenaires de différentes régions et confrontés à des contextes différents au Bangladesh, au Burkina Faso et en Éthiopie.

Publication Date July 1, 2024 Webinars

Strengthening FP and SRH Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) – Insights and Dialogue on FP2030 EPR Commitments

On July 9, 2024, MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience, in collaboration with PROPEL Adapt and FP2030, hosted a webinar part of a series related to emergency preparedness and resilience for family planning and reproductive health. FP2030 has invested in Emergency Preparedness and Response as a key strategy to strengthen resilience of FP services and save lives during shocks and stressors to healthcare systems or societies at large. This webinar provided a unique learning and exchange opportunity to explore how EPR for FP/SRH can be operationalized and learn from countries about concrete strategies, initiatives, and policies they have implemented to secure continuous access to FP and SRH during crisis. The session included a dialogue with partners from different regions and facing different contexts from Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, and Ethiopia.

Publication Date February 1, 2024 Webinars

Exploring Zero-Dose Child Definitions and Measurement

On February 14, 2024, MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity held a learning exchange webinar to discuss how countries operationalize and measure the definitions of zero-dose and under-immunized children. This learning exchange discussed the operational definition of zero-dose children, followed by experience sharing from Mozambique, Bangladesh, and DRC. Country presenters discussed the issues they faced with operationalizing the standard definition and how they are moving forward. The examples featured a range of use cases and discussion with joint problem-solving.

Publication Date November 1, 2023 About MOMENTUM

MOMENTUM Projects in South Asia: Regional Reference Brief

The South Asia Regional Reference Brief summarizes MOMENTUM’s projects and activities in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan to improve equitable access to respectful quality maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition, voluntary family planning, and reproductive health care for all individuals and communities. The brief will be updated periodically as project activities evolve throughout the life of the project.

Publication Date September 1, 2023 Program & Technical Resources

Ensuring the Delivery of Essential Health Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Infection Prevention and Control Readiness Response in Five Countries

COVID-19 significantly disrupted health systems, creating a need to assess both assets and gaps to prioritize immediate infection prevention risks and the needs of health care facilities. Developed by MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership, this report details the project's implementation of an infection prevention and control (IPC) COVID-19 activity in Bangladesh, Ghana, India, Sierra Leone, and Uganda. The annex of the report, a COVID-19 Readiness Toolkit, is also available for download.   

Publication Date September 1, 2023 Program & Technical Resources

Virtual Meeting Report: Strengthening and Scaling up IMCI implementation in the Context of Quality-of-Care Initiatives

This report summarizes discussions from a global consultation meeting organized by MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership of successes, challenges, and opportunities for more effective implementation of Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI). The meeting shared country updates from Bangladesh, Ghana, Malawi, and Sierra Leone on their status of IMCI implementation and best practices, identified major barriers impeding further progress, and recommended actions for overcoming barriers and operationalizing IMCI implementation at scale.

Publication Date May 1, 2023 Research & Evidence

Lessons from Partnering with Faith-Based Organizations in Very Young Adolescent Programming

In Bangladesh, faith-based organizations have the potential to meaningfully address harmful gender and sexual and reproductive health attitudes, behaviors and norms among very young adolescents, their families and communities. This activity sought to strengthen local partner capacity to apply effective programming addressing challenges facing very young adolescents, a population that is commonly overlooked.

Publication Date June 1, 2022 Webinars

Ensuring the Delivery of Essential Health Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic: WASH & IPC Response

On June 8, 2022, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership convened a webinar to learn about and discuss successes, challenges, and recommendations from their work providing rapid technical and capacity development assistance to local health networks in Bangladesh, Ghana, India, Sierra Leone, and Uganda during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presenters highlighted MOMENTUM’s use of virtual capacity strengthening processes and tools, open-source digital data collection platforms, and local partnerships.

Publication Date January 1, 2022 Program & Technical Resources

Improving Facility Readiness in Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) And Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) In Bangladesh

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic shocked health systems, demanding the urgent identification and prioritization of immediate health care facility needs. Beginning in August 2020, USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership provided rapid technical and capacity development assistance to local health networks in Bangladesh and four other countries to improve facility readiness in water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and infection prevention and control (IPC). This package of materials details the impact and outcomes of this work, as well as lessons learned to inform future WASH and IPC efforts in health care facilities and quality improvement programming.

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