We partner with local organizations and the Burundian Ministry of Public Health to enhance the private sector’s ability to provide healthcare for women, children, and communities across the country.
Burundi is one of the smallest and most densely-populated countries in Africa. In recent years, the country has made progress in improving the coverage and quality of emergency and obstetric care for mothers and increasing access to quality family planning services in communities. However, chronic hunger and malnutrition as well as high maternal, newborn, and child mortality still make it hard for millions of Burundians to lead healthy lives.1
The Government of Burundi has prioritized expanding the capacity of the country’s private sector to improve the health of its people. Partnerships with the Government of Burundi and the private sector are key to helping the country’s women and children access high-quality health care now and in the future. To support the government’s efforts, MOMENTUM partners with Burundi’s private health sector and its Ministry of Public Health to improve maternal, newborn, and child health services, voluntary family planning, reproductive health care, and malaria-related services in the country.
Improving Care in Burundi’s Private Health Sector
Half of Burundi’s primary health facilities are privately operated,2 making the private health care sector an important part of the country’s health system. The Burundian government acknowledges the role of the private sector in its National Health Policy3 and works with private providers to improve health care for the entire population. MOMENTUM supports efforts to integrate family planning and reproductive health; maternal, newborn, and child health; malaria; and overall clinical and managerial capacities. We also support efforts to improve quality of care and collect and use data, all of which contribute to better health services for Burundians. MOMENTUM supports these efforts by collaborating with private facilities—including those that are part of larger health networks, independent clinics, and faith-based facilities—to promote sustainable improvements in the coverage and quality of essential health services.
Strengthening Burundi’s Private Health Sector
MOMENTUM partners with two local organizations: the Association Nationale pour la Franchise Sociale, a network of independent private health clinics, and the Réseau des Confessions Religieuses pour la Promotion de la Santé et le Bien-être Intégral de la Famille, a nongovernmental organization that works with faith-based health clinics to provide primary health services. MOMENTUM supports these organizations using a “learn by doing” approach so that, over time, local partners build their skills and confidence to manage donor funding and activities in service of Burundi’s private sector. Investing in both the organizational and human capacity of Burundi’s private health sector will help strengthen and sustain its ability to provide high-quality care for years to come.
MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery engages with local organizations and the Ministry of Public Health in Burundi to improve the quality and coverage of maternal, newborn, and child health services, voluntary family planning, reproductive health care, and malaria-related services in the private health sector.
- United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Burundi. “Child and maternal health: every child has the right to grow up healthy.” https://www.unicef.org/burundi/child-and-maternal-health
- Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Lutte contre le Sida [Burundi]. 2019. Annuaire Des Statistiques Sanitaires de 2019. http://minisante.bi/app/uploads/annuaires_statistiques/Annuaire%20Statistique%202019.pdf.
- Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Lutte contre le Sida [Burundi]. Politique Nationale de Santé 2016-2025. January 2016. http://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/natlex4.detail?p_lang=en&p_isn=110854&p_country=BDI&p_classification=01.08