
Publication Date December 1, 2021 Research & Evidence

Promising Practices for Engaging Local Faith Actors to Promote Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccination: Lessons Learned from Ghana, Indonesia, Sierra Leone, and Uganda

This report summarizes evidence about engaging local faith actors to promote uptake of COVID-19 vaccination. It is a special investigation into lessons learned from four countries: Ghana, Indonesia, Sierra Leone, and Uganda. The report explores 15 promising practices for increasing vaccine uptake through strategic engagement of faith actors. The Policy Brief, “Promising Practices for Engaging Local Faith Actors to Promote Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccination: Lessons Learned from Four Countries,” provides an 8-page synopsis of the lessons outlined in the report.

Publication Date November 1, 2021 Program & Technical Resources

Private Sector Engagement to Boost Reach of Immunization Programs

This brief introduces key issues on private sector engagement (PSE) for immunization service delivery in the context of COVID-19 vaccine rollout. It is part of broader work by MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery to distill the evidence and outline the potential for PSE to increase the uptake of immunization in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where immunization resources are constrained.

Publication Date November 1, 2021 Program & Technical Resources

20 Essential Resources for Family Planning and Reproductive Health in Fragile Settings

This collection, curated by MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience and USAID's Knowledge Success, brings together key resources for implementing partners working on family planning and reproductive health programs in fragile settings. The resources provide background on the complexities of fragile settings and identifies opportunities for collaboration and coordination in fragile settings where development and humanitarian actors may be operating.

Publication Date November 1, 2021 Research & Evidence

Nutrition Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health

MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership developed a technical brief on the nutrition components of the WHO maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (MNCAH) Quality of Care (QoC) standards and associated policy and implementation considerations, and early learning related to implementing these nutrition standards. The primary objective of the brief is to raise awareness among nutrition and MNCAH stakeholders (country and global) of the nutrition QoC standards, and of the opportunities to apply the standards to improve the quality of integrated MNCAH and nutrition services. The brief highlights early learning from three QoC Network countries (Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Ghana) that are implementing efforts to improve the quality of integrated health and nutrition services, and outlines policy and implementation considerations for improving the quality of integrated nutrition and MNCAH services. MCGL will continue to use the brief as part of its technical and capacity development assistance efforts with a subset of countries to advance nutrition as a component of QoC efforts for women, newborns, children, and adolescents.

Publication Date November 1, 2021 Research & Evidence

Qualité des soins en matière de nutrition pour la santé maternelle, néonatale, infantile et adolescente

MOMENTUM Leadership national et mondial a développé un résumé technique sur la qualité des soins en matière de nutrition pour la santé maternelle, néonatale infantile et adolescente (SMNIA) et sur les considérations de politique et de mise en œuvre connexes, ainsi que sur les premiers résultats de la mise en œuvre de ces normes nutritionnelles. L’objectif principal de ce résumé est de sensibiliser les acteurs de la nutrition et de la SMNIA (au niveau national et international) aux normes de qualité des soins en matière de nutrition et aux possibilités d’appliquer ces normes pour améliorer la qualité des services intégrés de SMNIA et de nutrition. Le résumé souligne les premiers apprentissages de trois pays du Réseau de la qualité des soins  (Nigeria, Ethiopie, et Ghana) qui mettent en œuvre des mesures pour améliorer la qualité des services intégrés de santé et de nutrition, et souligne les considérations relatives aux politiques et à la mise en œuvre pour améliorer la qualité des services intégrés de nutrition et de SMNIA.

Publication Date November 1, 2021 Training & Guidance

Complexity Aware Monitoring (CAM) Workshop Series

MOMENTUM Knowledge Accelerator hosted a five-session Complexity Aware Monitoring (CAM) Workshop webinar series in July and August 2021. The workshop featured CAM practitioners from both within and outside the MOMENTUM suite of awards to present CAM approaches and provide real-world applications in a dynamic, interactive setting. The workshops were an opportunity for MOMENTUM Knowledge Accelerator to build the capacity of MOMENTUM field and headquarters staff, USAID staff, and other external participants in the use of CAM approaches. The engaging sessions featured breakout groups, discussions, and question and answer sessions with experts on topics ranging from preparation to implement CAM approaches to integrating specific approaches like outcome harvesting, most significant change, and pause and reflect into their programming. 

Publication Date November 1, 2021 Research & Evidence

Organizational Capacity: An Enhanced Framework

This report provides an overview of current organizational capacity literature and proposes a new enhanced framework that reflects on the evolution of capacity development thinking in recent years. The framework also considers MOMENTUM’s programmatic interests in performance, resilience, sustainability, adaptive learning, and systems thinking. This new framework hones in on a limited set of key observable behaviors and practices that drive organizational performance rather than on the documents and structures often sought as evidence of organizational capacity. By doing so, it offers preliminary suggestions for how MOMENTUM and others can use the framework for capacity planning and measurement and brings organizational performance to the forefront of capacity development.

Publication Date October 1, 2021 Webinars

Boosting Immunization Reach through Private Sector Engagement

On October 13, 2021, MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery convened experts from the MOMENTUM suite of awards, USAID India, implementing partners from South Africa and Kenya, the World Health Organization, and other partners for a webinar to discuss how the private sector can be leveraged to reach more people with routine immunizations and COVID-19 vaccinations. Opening remarks from USAID’s Immunization Team Lead, Folake Olayinka, highlighted the agency’s diverse portfolio of immunization programming over the past 30 years and invited attendees to think about new and effective ways to engage the private sector to support immunization goals and extend equitable access to life-saving vaccines for all.

Publication Date October 1, 2021 Research & Evidence

Engaging Faith Actors to Boost Immunization Uptake and Combat Vaccine Hesitancy: Evidence and Promising Practices

The Policy Brief “Engaging Faith Actors to Boost Immunization Uptake and Combat Vaccine Hesitancy” is a 5-page short synopsis of our global evidence summary of faith actor engagement in the uptake and coverage of immunization in low- and middle-income countries. The brief highlights evidence-based approaches to engaging local faith actors in immunization as well as identifying current evidence gaps. It also outlines recommendations and future action steps based on the landscape analysis.

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