2023 Youth Events
Published on September 7, 2023
How To: Practical Guidance for Strengthening Health Systems to Meet the Needs of Adolescents
Are you interested in exploring how to strengthen health systems to respond to the needs of adolescents? Do you want to learn how to use a participatory assessment and planning tool to make adolescent- and gender-responsive health systems practical and doable? Join MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership for a workshop on Tuesday, October 17 building the discussions linking adolescent-responsive health systems to Universal Health Coverage during the Global Forum for Adolescents.
The Silent Burden: Exploring the Link between Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Perinatal Mental Health in Low- And Middle-Income Countries
A 2016 study showed that adolescent mothers have a 63% higher risk of experiencing perinatal depression compared with adult mothers. Evidence suggests there is a relationship between adolescent sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and adolescent perinatal mental health, but the bi-directional impacts and optimal programming strategies are not yet well understood. MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership explored this in a recent publication.
Join us for a webinar on Thursday, November 2 at 8am EST/12pm UTC to discuss the relationship between adolescent SRH, including contraceptive use and unintended pregnancy, and perinatal mental health; learn about promising program interventions; and explore areas for future research and learning.
Engager les jeunes comme agents de changement pour répondre aux besoins de santé dans les environnements fragiles/Engaging Youth as Agents of Change to Address Health Needs in Fragile Settings
Ce webinaire public francophone a présenté trois pays du projet MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience – la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), le Burkina Faso et le Niger – qui ont chacun travaillé de manière unique pour établir des relations avec la population des jeunes de leur région respective afin d’améliorer les résultats en matière de santé. Les intervenants ont décrit la stratégie d’engagement des jeunes du projet et les résultats obtenus. Cette session a également fait intervenir des jeunes membres de la communauté de chaque pays qui ont décrit leur perception de l’état de leur pays, des problèmes de santé auxquels les jeunes sont confrontés et des suggestions pour améliorer la santé. Le webinaire a encouragé l’engagement des jeunes en tant que mécanisme important pour améliorer les résultats en matière de santé dans les environnements fragiles et a permis aux jeunes de différents pays de discuter de leurs expériences les uns avec les autres.
Une traduction simultanée en anglais et en espagnol a été assurée.
This public francophone webinar featured three MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience countries – the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Burkina Faso, and Niger – who have each worked in unique ways to build relationships with their respective region’s youth population to improve health outcomes. Speakers described the project’s youth engagement strategy and relevant outcomes. This session also featured youth community members from each country who described their perceptions of the state of their country, health issues youth face, and suggestions for improving health. The webinar encouraged youth engagement as an important mechanism for improving health outcomes in fragile settings and served as an opportunity for youth from different countries to discuss their experiences with one another.
Simultaneous translation into English and Spanish was provided.
Youth as Agents of Change: Toward a Sustainable Future
On September 21, 2023, MOMENTUM hosted a dynamic live discussion featuring passionate youth speakers and moderators driving positive changes in the fight for sustainability. In an era of global challenges and uncertainty, we believe that today’s youth are a beacon of hope, possessing the power to become transformative agents of change. Participants heard from youth partners from India, Kenya, and South Sudan.
The Power of Youth Voices: How Youth Are Holding Their Health Systems Accountable for Meeting Their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
From 2021 to 2023, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership partnered with two youth-led organizations, Youth for Sustainable Development in Kenya and Youth Advocacy on Rights and Opportunities in Ghana, to support the implementation of youth-led social accountability mechanisms and to advance learning. In this webinar, participants heard directly from youth about how they led social accountability for sexual and reproductive health and rights and their challenges and achievements along the way. The webinar also explored how their activity impacted their health systems and communities in Ghana and Kenya, as well as the capacity and development of their organizations and staff.