
Publication Date May 1, 2021 Training & Guidance

Liste des fournitures essentielles pour la prévention et le contrôle des infections dans les établissements de soins de santé

Le maintien de la prévention et du contrôle des infections (PCI) est essentiel pour que les travailleurs de la santé puissent fournir des services sûrs aux patients et au personnel. Pour maintenir ces précautions de prévention et de contrôle des infections, les établissements de santé doivent tenir un inventaire des fournitures et équipements essentiels. Ce document comprend une liste de fournitures essentielles que les établissements de santé de tous niveaux et contextes de soins de santé doivent inclure dans leur inventaire pour la prévention et le contrôle des infections. Il s'agit de la première ressource à répertorier tous les articles essentiels de CIP dans un format similaire à la liste modèle de médicaments essentiels de l'OMS, qui guide les ministères de la santé et leurs partenaires depuis des décennies.

Publication Date May 1, 2021 Training & Guidance

Lista de suministros esenciales para la prevención y control de infecciones en los establecimientos de salud:

Mantener la prevención y el control de las infecciones (IPC) es esencial para que el personal de salud preste servicios seguros a los pacientes y al personal. Para mantener estas precauciones de IPC, los centros de salud deben mantener un inventario de suministros y equipos esenciales. Este documento incluye una lista de suministros esenciales que los establecimientos de salud de todos los niveles y contextos de servicios de salud deben incluir en su inventario para la IPC.  Se trata del primer recurso que enumera todos los artículos esenciales de la IPC en un formato similar al de la Lista modelo de medicamentos esenciales de la OMS, que ha servido de guía a los ministerios de salud y a sus socios durante décadas. Descarga este recurso aquí.

Publication Date May 1, 2021 Program & Technical Resources

Renforcer la résilience dans le domaine de la santé : l’approche du projet MOMENTUM Résilience sanitaire intégrée

Le projet MOMENTUM Résilience sanitaire intégrée contribue à développer les capacités de résilience sanitaire, au niveau individuel et national, afin de prévenir et d'atténuer la vulnérabilité aux chocs et aux stress susceptibles d'affecter la santé et/ou les systèmes de santé, en particulier dans les contextes fragiles. Cette note examine la manière dont le projet abordera, développera et renforcera la résilience sanitaire afin d'améliorer les résultats sanitaires des familles, des communautés et des états-nations, en particulier dans les contextes fragiles.

Publication Date May 1, 2021 About MOMENTUM

MOMENTUM Presents Podcast, Episode One, Innovating in a Pandemic: Improving water, sanitation, and hygiene services and infection prevention control in health facilities

MOMENTUM has launched a podcast series to highlight experiences and strategies to accelerate improvements in maternal, newborn, and child health services, voluntary family planning, and reproductive health care. The first episode features Dr. Surendra Sharma, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership’s State Team Leader in India. Dr. Sharma shares how he and his team worked to instill a sense of security among public and private providers to safely deliver care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Publication Date May 1, 2021 Research & Evidence

Implementing a Novel Facility-Community Intervention for Strengthening Integration of Infant Nutrition and Family Planning in Mara and Kagera, Tanzania

This study in Tanzania explored the effects of an integrated, multi-level intervention to boost maternal and infant nutrition and postpartum family planning. During the study, mothers and their partners remained interested in post-partum family planning, including the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM). LAM was strengthened through a self-tracking self-care tool. The study commenced under the Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP), MOMENTUM's predecessor project.

Publication Date May 1, 2021 Training & Guidance

Behaviorally Focused Applied Political Economy Analysis

It is important for agencies supporting health systems in low and middle-income countries to focus on methodologies and tools that facilitate feasible, scalable, and appropriate responses to public health challenges that do not show significant progress even after substantial effort toward improvement. The Behaviorally Focused Applied Political Economy Analysis (BF-APEA), developed by MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership, is a methodology that facilitates a holistic approach to these challenges. The BF-APEA maps visible and invisible causes behind challenges and then determines effective solutions to sustainable health outcomes.

Publication Date May 1, 2021 Webinars

Maintaining Focus on Routine Immunization through COVID-19 Vaccination

To discuss early experiences with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout and strategies to leverage the focus on COVID-19 to strengthen routine immunization, USAID and MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity hosted a webinar on April 27, 2021, entitled “Maintaining Focus on Routine Immunization through COVID-19 Vaccination."

Publication Date April 1, 2021 Research & Evidence

Expanding Contraceptive Method Choice With a Hormonal Intrauterine Device: Results From Mixed Methods Studies in Kenya and Zambia

Few women in low- and middle-income countries have access to the hormonal intrauterine device (IUD). Past research from a small number of facilities and the private sector suggests the hormonal IUD could be an important addition to the contraceptive method mix because it is the only long-acting method some women will adopt and users report high satisfaction and continuation. This article, published in Global Health: Science and Practice, and developed by staff from MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership, aims to determine whether these promising results were applicable in public facilities in Kenya and Zambia.

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