Publication Date January 1, 2021 About MOMENTUM

MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience Fact Sheet

MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience works alongside local organizations, governments, and humanitarian and development partners in fragile settings to accelerate reductions in maternal, newborn, and child illness and death by increasing the capacity of partner country institutions and local organizations—including new and underutilized partners—to introduce, deliver, scale up, and sustain the use of evidence-based, quality maternal, newborn and child health services, voluntary family planning, and reproductive health care.

Publication Date December 1, 2020 Research & Evidence

Effects of COVID-19 on Essential MNCHN/FP/RH Care and the Strategies and Adaptations Emerging in Response: Rapid Evidence Summary

This rapid evidence summary reviews emerging evidence of the effects of COVID-19 on provision and demand of essential maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition, family planning, and reproductive health (MNCHN/FP/RH) care, the strategies and adaptations emerging in response, and their effects. The accompanying policy brief offers recommendations for MOMENTUM awards and USAID Missions to maximize the impact of response efforts and strengthen the evidence base to inform current and future efforts. In addition, the annotated bibliography summarizes findings from each of the evidence summary's resources.

Publication Date December 1, 2020 Webinars

Effects of COVID-19 on Essential MNCHN/FP/RH Care and the Strategies and Adaptations Emerging in Response

This webinar discusses the emerging evidence of the effects of COVID-19 on provision and demand of essential maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition, family planning, and reproductive health (MNCHN/FP/RH) care, the strategies and adaptations emerging in response, and their effects in context of MOMENTUM's the rapid evidence summary and policy brief.

Publication Date August 1, 2020 About MOMENTUM

MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership Fact Sheet

MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership provides technical and capacity development assistance to ministries of health and other country partners to expand global leadership and learning and enable government-led partnerships to deliver high-quality, evidence-based interventions that accelerate reductions in maternal, newborn, and child mortality and morbidity.

Publication Date August 1, 2020 About MOMENTUM


MOMENTUM is a suite of innovative awards funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development to holistically improve family planning and maternal and child health in host-countries around the world.

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