
Publication Date November 1, 2024 Webinars

Partenariats avec le secteur privé pour améliorer les services de santé en contextes fragiles

Le 7 novembre 2024, MOMENTUM Facilitateur d'Apprentissage a organisé un webinaire sur les partenariats avec le secteur privé pour les services de planification familiale au Mali. L'événement a mis en lumière le travail effectué par MOMENTUM Prestation de Soins de Santé Privés et MOMENTUM Résilience Sanitaire Intégrée et leurs partenaires, le Groupe d’Initiative pour le Développement (GRIDEV) et l'Alliance du secteur privé pour la promotion de la santé au Mali (ASP-PSM). Les présentations ont été suivies d'un panel de discussion. Cette session a mis en avant le rôle crucial du secteur privé dans l'amélioration des services de planification familiale et de santé reproductive (PF/SR) dans les zones fragiles. Nous avons mis en avant des exemples de collaborations réussies ainsi que les défis qui demeurent à surmonter. L'événement s'est déroulé en français.

Publication Date October 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Early Lessons From Working With Local Partners to Expand Private-Sector Health Care Networks in Burundi and Mali

This Field Action Report in Global Health Science and Practice shares how MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery worked with local partners in Burundi and Mali to expand private health facility networks to improve service quality and the lessons learned regarding the growing role of local organizations as actors within mixed health systems.

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Webinars

Blended Learning for the Public and Private Healthcare Workforce

On September 25, 2025, MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery brought together experts working in Nigeria, Kenya, and Sierra Leone for an engaging conversation around the variety of blended learning models being used with both public and private healthcare providers in the areas of family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH), maternal and newborn health (MNH) and HIV/AIDS. The expert panel shared lessons learned from the various blended learning models they’ve used in their programming and engaged with one another as well as webinar participants through a question and answer session.

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Enhancing Quality of Care and Client Experience Through Client Feedback

The client feedback mechanism is a novel approach used by MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery Nepal to help private providers enhance quality of care and client-centered services. The brief describes the client feedback mechanism and results of its use with private service delivery points in Karnali and Madhesh provinces of Nepal from 2021-2023.

Publication Date July 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Applying a Holistic Approach to Fistula Care in Nigeria

The MOMENTUM Safe Surgery in Family Planning and Obstetrics project supports fistula prevention by enhancing provider capacity for high-quality obstetric surgeries, introducing quality improvement in obstetric care, and training primary health care workers and nurses in preventive catheterization for prolonged or obstructed labor management. In Nigeria, treatment involves surgical repair or non-surgical intervention (catheterization) at health facilities like National Obstetric Fistula Centers (NOFICs) or state-level vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) centers, or through organized surgical campaigns. A holistic fistula care approach addresses patients’ needs from prevention to rehabilitation and reintegration, ensuring they can access necessary services.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Piloting a Lean Costing Approach for Family Planning and Maternal Health Services

MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery piloted a 'lean' costing approach to explore the costs and major cost drivers of FP and MH service delivery in the public and private sectors at three sites in Nigeria, Tanzania, and the DRC. This report summarizes the findings from the costing approach and discusses how the results and approach can help inform FP and MH programming.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Introduction of the Safe Childbirth Checklist in Fragile Areas in Mali

The WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist (SCC) is a patient safety tool that consolidates essential birth practices to prevent the major causes of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality. The tool has been implemented in the southern regions of Mali, with demonstrable results. To address maternal and newborn mortality in areas where MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience works, the SCC was implemented in 23 health facilities in the Gao district beginning in December 2022. Post-training follow-up found that 21 facilities used the tool on 1,298 out of 1,698 deliveries (76 percent). 95 percent of users reported that the tool was very useful in demonstrating that SCC use in fragile settings may be feasible and useful to help reduce maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 About MOMENTUM

Renforcement de la vaccination de routine et de l’éradication de la polio en RDC

Ce dossier résume la manière dont MOMENTUM Transformation et Équité de la Vaccination de Routine soutient le renforcement des capacités en matière de vaccination de routine, le genre et l'équité, le renforcement des partenariats, la qualité et la gestion des données, et l'éradication de la polio en République Démocratique du Congo.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 About MOMENTUM

Renforcement de la vaccination contre la COVID-19 en RDC

Ce dossier résume la manière dont MOMENTUM Transformation et Équité de la Vaccination de Routine a soutenu la planification et la coordination de la vaccination contre la COVID-19, la génération de la demande et l'engagement communautaire, la qualité et la gestion des données, la prestation de services et l'intégration de la vaccination de routine dans les services de santé en République Démocratique du Congo.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 About MOMENTUM

Strengthening Routine Immunization and Polio Eradication in DRC

This one-pager brief summarizes how MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity is supporting routine immunization capacity building, gender and equity, partnership strengthening, data quality and management, and polio eradication in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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