
Publication Date November 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Strategic Partnerships Framework and Toolkit for Innovative Immunization Partnerships

The Strategic Partnerships Framework provides a structure, suggested processes, and historical examples around how to strategically engage with innovative and strategic partners to tackle immunization obstacles. The toolkit complements this framework and provides practical tools to help navigate activities throughout the partnership lifecycle.

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Strengthening Faith Engagement in Family Planning through Health Worker Training and Religious Leader Outreach: Experiences from the Christian Health Association Sierra Leone

This summary report from MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership shares the experiences of the Christian Health Association Sierra Leone in improving the uptake of voluntary family planning through engagement with faith-based health facilities, religious leaders, and their communities. This resource includes details on two strategies: 1) capacity building on fertility awareness methods of FP for service providers and 2) engaging faith leaders on healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies. The report concludes with key recommendations for strengthening the foundations of family planning programming in Sierra Leone.

Publication Date July 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Un appel à l’action | Planification familiale post-partum et post-abortum: pratiques à fort impact qui doivent être transposées à plus grande échelle dans le cadre de la couverture sanitaire universelle et des soins de santé primaires

Les cadres de la couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU) et des soins de santé primaires (SSP) offrent des occasions uniques de faire progresser l'extension de la planification familiale post-partum et post-abortum (PPFP et PAFP), des interventions qui sont essentielles pour réduire les besoins non satisfaits en matière de contraception et dont l'impact sur la survie et le bien-être des mères, des nouveau-nés et des enfants a été prouvé. Cet appel à l'action exhorte toutes les parties prenantes à défendre cinq actions prioritaires pour soutenir l'extension de la PFPP et de la PAFP dans les contextes de la santé publique universelle et des soins de santé primaires.

Publication Date July 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

A Call to Action – Postpartum and Postabortion Family Planning: High-Impact Practices That Must Be Scaled up Through Universal Health Coverage and Primary Health Care Frameworks

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and Primary Health Care (PHC) frameworks provide unique opportunities to advance scale-up of postpartum and postabortion family planning (PPFP and PAFP), interventions which are crucial in reducing unmet need for contraception and have proven impacts on maternal, newborn, and child survival and wellbeing. This Call to Action urges all stakeholders to champion five priority actions to support scaling up PPFP and PPFP in the UHC and PHC contexts.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Enhancing Private Sector Engagement Within Mixed Service Delivery Networks for Improved Family Planning in the Philippines

This deck of learnings elevates the key results, insights, and recommendations that have emerged from MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery's work in the Philippines. MOMENTUM's activity in the Philippines has addressed the barriers to private sector participation in delivering quality, affordable FP services by co-designing sustainable solutions with local partners and stakeholders.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 About MOMENTUM

Renforcement de la vaccination de routine et de l’éradication de la polio en RDC

Ce dossier résume la manière dont MOMENTUM Transformation et Équité de la Vaccination de Routine soutient le renforcement des capacités en matière de vaccination de routine, le genre et l'équité, le renforcement des partenariats, la qualité et la gestion des données, et l'éradication de la polio en République Démocratique du Congo.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 About MOMENTUM

Renforcement de la vaccination contre la COVID-19 en RDC

Ce dossier résume la manière dont MOMENTUM Transformation et Équité de la Vaccination de Routine a soutenu la planification et la coordination de la vaccination contre la COVID-19, la génération de la demande et l'engagement communautaire, la qualité et la gestion des données, la prestation de services et l'intégration de la vaccination de routine dans les services de santé en République Démocratique du Congo.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 About MOMENTUM

Strengthening Routine Immunization and Polio Eradication in DRC

This one-pager brief summarizes how MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity is supporting routine immunization capacity building, gender and equity, partnership strengthening, data quality and management, and polio eradication in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 About MOMENTUM

Strengthening COVID-19 Vaccination in DRC

This brief one-pager summarizes how MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity supported COVID-19 vaccination planning and coordination, demand generation and community engagement, data quality and management, service delivery, and integration into routine immunization health services in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Publication Date December 1, 2023 Research & Evidence

Integration of Nutrition, Food Security, and Immunization Programs in Madagascar Technical Consultation Report

This is a report from a May 2023 technical consultation supported by MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership on the integration of nutrition, food security, and immunization services in Madagascar. This report is intended to stimulate discussions and inform future MOMENTUM programming on how to integrate immunization, nutrition, and food security programs and services to reach zero-dose children and malnourished children with potent routine immunization vaccines, food supplements, and treatment in the country.

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