
Publication Date July 1, 2022 Webinars

Améliorer la santé maternelle et infantile : L’Adaptation du parcours de soins MAMI au Sud-Soudan

Le parcours de soins MAMI (Management of At-Risk Mothers and Infants) est une intervention visant à améliorer la santé des mères et de leurs nourrissons. L'itération actuelle du parcours de soins, la version 3.0, a été mise à jour en 2021 et a été adaptée à un certain nombre de contextes. MOMENTUM Résilience Sanitaire Intégrée travaille avec le gouvernement du Soudan du Sud et d'autres responsables de la mise en œuvre pour adapter et utiliser le Care Pathway et pour documenter les leçons apprises afin que d'autres pays puissent établir leur propre processus d'adaptation de cette intervention, en particulier dans les contextes fragiles. Dans ce webinaire, nous décrivons le parcours de soins, le processus d'adaptation au Sud-Soudan et la recherche opérationnelle que nous mènerons pour mieux comprendre comment le parcours de soins peut être adapté dans de nombreux contextes différents.

Publication Date July 1, 2022 Webinars

Improving Maternal and Infant Health: Adapting the MAMI Care Pathway in South Sudan

The Management of At-Risk Mothers and Infants (MAMI) Care Pathway (CP) is an intervention to improve the health of mothers and their infants. The current iteration of the Care Pathway, Version 3.0, was updated in 2021 and has been adapted to a number of contexts. MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience is working with the Government of South Sudan and other implementers to adapt and use the Care Pathway and to document lessons learned so that other countries can establish a process of their own for adapting this intervention, in particular to fragile contexts. In this webinar, we describe the Care Pathway, the process of adapting it in South Sudan, and the operations research we will conduct to better understand how the Care Pathway might be adapted in many different settings.

Publication Date June 1, 2022 Program & Technical Resources

People-centered Care Framework and Intersections with Respectful Maternal and Newborn Care, Rights-based Care and Nurturing Care

This graphic from MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership illustrates how the broad framework of people-centered care aligns with related terminology used in distinct technical areas, such as reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health. Multiple global conversations are underway regarding the scope and definition of frameworks for people-centered care and respectful care. As USAID develops and evolves its respectful care strategy, this graphic will be modified to reflect updated understanding.

Publication Date June 1, 2022 Program & Technical Resources

Meaningful Adolescent and Youth Engagement and Partnership in Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming: A Strategic Planning Guide

High Impact Practices (HIPs) are a set of evidence-based family planning practices vetted by experts against specific criteria and documented in an easy-to-use format. MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership supported the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning, a youth-led organization, to develop a HIPs Strategic Planning Guide intended to lead program managers, planners, and decision-makers through a strategic process to meaningfully and effectively engage and partner with adolescents, youth, and/or youth-led organizations on sexual and reproductive health programs and initiatives.

Publication Date June 1, 2022 Research & Evidence

Étude : Élaboration de l’indice de concordance des couples et sa relation avec l’utilisation de contraceptifs

MOMENTUM Leadership National et Mondial a entrepris une étude pour comprendre les différences au niveau des pays dans la concordance des couples et la relation entre la concordance et la position du pays sur la courbe en S du taux de prévalence de la contraception moderne (TPCM). Cet ensemble de documents décrit l'étude, présente des études de cas du Kenya et du Togo, et discute des recommandations sur la façon dont les décideurs politiques peuvent utiliser les résultats pour créer un espace permettant de passer d'une faible prévalence de la contraception modale à un taux de prévalence de la contraception moderne.

Publication Date June 1, 2022 Research & Evidence

An Exploratory Study of Client and Provider Experience and Perceptions of Facility-Based Childbirth Care in Quiché, Guatemala

Respectful maternity care (RMC) is fundamental to women’s and families’ experience of care and their decision about where to give birth. Studies from multiple countries describe the mistreatment of women during facility-based childbirth, though only a small number of studies from Guatemala have been published. This study published in BMC Health Services Research, which began under USAID's Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP), adds to the literature on women’s experience of institutional childbirth and factors that influence this experience by triangulating experience and perceptions of both women and health workers. This assessment highlights opportunities to address mistreatment of both women and health workers and to build on positive care attributes to strengthen RMC for all women.

Publication Date June 1, 2022 Research & Evidence

Effects of Local Faith-Actor Engagement in the Uptake and Coverage of Immunization in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Literature Review

This landscape review from MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership, published in the Christian Journal for Global Health, found extensive evidence supporting the value of religious engagement for immunization promotion and acceptance in lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Yet rigorous evidence and specific approaches for engaging local faith actors to strengthen immunization uptake in LMICs are limited. As countries urgently work to expand access to COVID-19 vaccinations, this study advances understanding of how to more effectively engage local faith actors in promoting immunization campaigns and addressing vaccine hesitancy.

Publication Date June 1, 2022 Program & Technical Resources

How to Engage Men in Nurturing Care Across the Life Stages

Men caregivers play an important role in ensuring all children receive nurturing care. From supportive services to enabling policies and beyond, this infographic from MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership shows how men can be supported to provide nurturing care for their children from pregnancy to early childhood.

Publication Date June 1, 2022 Training & Guidance

Summative Program Evaluations: Operational Guidance and Technical Brief

With this annex, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership builds on its Adaptive Learning Toolkit to provide additional guidance on conducting summative program evaluations. Intended for program managers, technical advisors, and monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) staff, this operational guidance — and its related technical brief — outline approaches for conducting summative program evaluations, practical considerations for implementation, and guidance on modifying approaches.

Publication Date June 1, 2022 Webinars

Ensuring the Delivery of Essential Health Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic: WASH & IPC Response

On June 8, 2022, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership convened a webinar to learn about and discuss successes, challenges, and recommendations from their work providing rapid technical and capacity development assistance to local health networks in Bangladesh, Ghana, India, Sierra Leone, and Uganda during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presenters highlighted MOMENTUM’s use of virtual capacity strengthening processes and tools, open-source digital data collection platforms, and local partnerships.

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