
Publication Date April 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Induction and Augmentation of Labor in India: Excessive and Inappropriate Use of Uterotonics In and Out of Health Facilities

This factsheet presents key findings from a systematic review on induction and augmentation of labor in India. The review identified 59 high-quality studies (variable in design, geography, women's profiles, and outcomes). The review highlights key findings, and ways forward based on the high rate of induction and augmentation in this context.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Recommendations for Governments To Maintain Continuous Family Planning Services During Shocks and Stressors

People need continuous access to family planning (FP) services as an essential component of SRH care to prevent unintended pregnancy. As stewards of their national health programs, governments must lead the way on advancing policies, programs, and financing that build resilient health systems and enable continuous access to health services across shocks and stressors. This brief provides recommendations for governments to improve preparedness to provide continuous FP services, build resilient health systems that can withstand and adapt to crises, and meet FP needs during crises and stable times alike. This brief is co-branded with the Women's Refugee Commission, IAWG, FP2030, USAID, MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience, and PROPEL Adapt.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Formative Assessment on Small and Sick Newborn Feeding in Ghana and Nepal

This case study provides an overview of two formative assessments by MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership on current practices, barriers, facilitators, and programmatic approaches affecting the provision of specialized, high-quality nutritional care for small and/or sick newborns (SSNBs) in public health facilities in Ghana and Nepal. These assessments are an important step in expanding the evidence base around SSNB feeding in these contexts and present insightful cross-cutting recommendations to support and/or strengthen breastmilk feeding for SSNBs during inpatient stays and post-discharge.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

The Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (HDPN) and Applications to Family Planning, Reproductive Health, and Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Interventions in Fragile Settings: A Case Study from South Sudan

Numerous approaches have been developed to define the humanitarian-development nexus and more broadly, the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. This report examines the humanitarian-development nexus and its application to health interventions in South Sudan, specifically family planning, reproductive health, and maternal, newborn, and child health (FP/RH/MNCH), concluding with recommendations for stakeholders related to health services, institutional architecture, leadership, financing, coordination, and localization.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Current Approaches to Following Up Women and Newborns After Discharge from Childbirth Facilities: A Scoping Review

The postpartum period is critical for the health and well-being of women and newborns, but there is limited research on the most effective methods of post-childbirth follow-up. This scoping review synthesizes evidence from high-, middle-, and low-income countries on approaches to following up individuals after discharge from childbirth facilities. The scoping review identified multiple follow-up methods after discharge, ranging from home visits to self-administered electronic questionnaires. The studies demonstrated that post-discharge follow-up of women and newborns was feasible, well received, and important for identifying postpartum illness or complications that would otherwise be missed.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Introduction of the Safe Childbirth Checklist in Fragile Areas in Mali

The WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist (SCC) is a patient safety tool that consolidates essential birth practices to prevent the major causes of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality. The tool has been implemented in the southern regions of Mali, with demonstrable results. To address maternal and newborn mortality in areas where MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience works, the SCC was implemented in 23 health facilities in the Gao district beginning in December 2022. Post-training follow-up found that 21 facilities used the tool on 1,298 out of 1,698 deliveries (76 percent). 95 percent of users reported that the tool was very useful in demonstrating that SCC use in fragile settings may be feasible and useful to help reduce maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Rapid Assessment of Data Systems for COVID-19 Vaccination in the WHO African Region

The MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity project collaborated with WHO to develop an article discussing a study done by WHO AFRO between May and July 2022 to identify gaps in COVID-19 vaccine data management in countries in the African region. Published in the Epidemiology and Infection journal by Cambridge University Press this article summarizes the key findings of the assessment and discusses its implications for routine immunization.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Beyond Constructs and Principles: Addressing Gender-Related Barriers to High, Equitable Immunization Coverage

This article was published in the Frontiers in Global Women's Health journal in April 2023. The article discusses how USAID's MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity project recognized the need to mainstream gender into its global and country level work, incorporating gender considerations into all phases of the program cycle, from assessment to activity design, strategic communications, monitoring, evaluation, and continuous learning. The authors describe approaches the project has applied to build capacity of its own global and country level staff to both recognize the gender dimensions inherent in common obstacles to immunization and ways to address them.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Labor Induction and Augmentation Practices in India: How the Use of Uterotonic Medications Affects Stillbirth, Neonatal Mortality, and Use of Cesarean Deliveries Research Consolidation Bundle

Overmedicalization of childbirth is a growing global problem, increasing the use of medical interventions and costs without a clear health benefit and often putting both mother and baby at risk. Stillbirth, early birth asphyxia, and neonatal death remain major concerns in India and the association between these health outcomes and the use of uterotonics to induce and augment labor is an important topic to explore. The story deck serves as an advocacy tool to build momentum for additional targeted research; the overview report outlines how the story deck can be used and shares next steps to engage in this work.

Publication Date April 1, 2024 About MOMENTUM

Renforcement de la vaccination de routine et de l’éradication de la polio en RDC

Ce dossier résume la manière dont MOMENTUM Transformation et Équité de la Vaccination de Routine soutient le renforcement des capacités en matière de vaccination de routine, le genre et l'équité, le renforcement des partenariats, la qualité et la gestion des données, et l'éradication de la polio en République Démocratique du Congo.

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