Publication Date June 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Landscape Assessment on the Adaptation of Community Models and Approaches for Improving COVID-19 Immunization Across Sub-Saharan Africa

MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity conducted multiple literature reviews to identify community models and strategies that could be adapted to improve COVID-19 immunization across Sub-Saharan Africa. The overall purpose of this landscape analysis was to consider the use and adaptation of community engagement approaches and lessons from various global maternal and child public health initiatives which show that community engagement facilitates the uptake of health services. Considerations for programs aimed at improving COVID-19 vaccination are gleaned from key findings from this landscape analysis. Key program considerations on “who,” “how,” and “which” structures to engage are summarized and delineated in the document.

Publication Date June 1, 2024 Webinars

Assessing and Improving the Quality of Health Care and Systems at the Healthcare Facility and Beyond: Experience from the WHO Western Pacific Region

In July 2023, MOMENTUM's ME/IL Working Group facilitated a conversation about the challenges and lessons learned from applying effective coverage to monitor quality service delivery and use data for service improvements. On June 5, 2024, the working group held a follow-on webinar where Dr. Shogo Kubota shared progress made on the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WHO WPRO)’s approach and examples from countries in the region in assessing and improving quality of health care and systems while strengthening Health Information Systems for monitoring healthcare quality.

Publication Date June 1, 2024 Training & Guidance

Maternal Mental Health: A Toolkit for Engaging Faith Actors as Change Agents

The toolkit, created by MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership, is designed to equip diverse faith actors with the information and tools needed to raise awareness, deconstruct myths, and address barriers that inhibit positive maternal mental health so that women, families, and communities can thrive. The document includes tools to help faith actors promote maternal wellness, contains essential information on maternal mental health to reduce misinformation, and shares faith-based guidance on how to support perinatal girls and women suffering from maternal mental health conditions.

Publication Date June 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Quality Improvement Approaches for Safe Surgery in Nigeria: MPCDSR, Robson Classification and the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist

MOMENTUM Safe Surgery in Family Planning and Obstetrics in Nigeria seeks to accelerate reductions in maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity by increasing the capacity of Nigerian institutions and local organizations to introduce, deliver, scale-up, and sustain the use of safe and appropriate surgical obstetric care; prevention and management of obstetric and iatrogenic fistula; and prevention and mitigation of female genital mutilation/cutting in the maternal health context. As part of the efforts to scale-up safe and appropriate surgical obstetric care, the project has worked with partners to strengthen and institutionalize the use of three key quality improvement (QI) approaches: maternal, perinatal and child death surveillance and response (MPCDSR); Robson classification, and the WHO surgical safety checklist. This brief discusses the Team's application of each of these approaches.

Publication Date June 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

“We Restrict Certain Things”: A Cross-Sectional Study of Health Provider Adherence to the WHO’s Recommendation for Intrapartum Oral Intake of Fluid and Food in Greater Accra, Ghana

The World Health Organization recommends oral fluid and food intake for low-risk women during labor to enhance positive childbirth experience and respect for women’s preferences. This article in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth describes findings from a MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership study investigating current practices, barriers, and opportunities related to intrapartum oral intake among maternity care providers and women in public health facilities in Greater Accra, Ghana.

Publication Date June 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Seeking Input from Communities, Caregivers, and Frontline Health Workers on the Perceived Barriers and Potential Solutions to Reaching Zero-Dose and Under-Vaccinated Children in Kenya

This study sought to explore and establish key barriers and potential solutions to the uptake of routine vaccines among zero-dose, under-immunized children, and missed communities in Kenya’s Vihiga, Homa Bay, and Nairobi counties. It employed Photovoice as a community-based participatory research approach. Photovoice is a visual research methodology that puts cameras into the participants’ hands so they can document, reflect upon, and communicate issues of concern, while stimulating social change. The photographs formed the basis upon which the researchers conducted in-depth interviews and focus group discussions to identify the solutions and interventions to community members’ health challenges.

Publication Date June 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

The Provider Behavior Change Toolkit: A Package to Guide Its Adaptation and Implementation

To develop better insights into provider behaviors, the USAID-funded Breakthrough ACTION project, in collaboration with global stakeholders, created the Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map and a subsequent Provider Behavior Change (PBC) Toolkit. MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience has adapted parts of the toolkit for use in fragile and conflict-affected settings. This webpage serves as a focal point for the resources that the project has adapted.

Publication Date June 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Enhancing COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Among Tribal Communities: A Case Study on Program Implementation Experiences from Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh States, India

Tribal populations in India face significant healthcare challenges, resulting in poorer health outcomes and lower COVID-19 vaccination rates compared to non-Tribal districts. MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity aimed to improve vaccine access and uptake among Tribal populations in Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. Using a qualitative explanatory case study, researchers conducted 90 focus group discussions and interviews with Tribal communities, NGOs, and other stakeholders. Key strategies included community leader involvement, targeted counseling, flexible vaccine sessions, and adapted messaging for booster doses. These efforts increased vaccine awareness and acceptance, but sustaining long-term uptake requires ongoing funding and political support.

Publication Date June 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Root Causes of COVID-19 Data Backlogs: A Mixed Methods Analysis in Four African Countries

This study identifies the root causes of COVID-19 vaccination data backlogs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Senegal, and Tanzania. Issues include technology limitations, infrastructure challenges, inefficient processes, and staff shortages. To resolve these, the study recommends a country-led, iterative approach, starting with a minimum viable product, and addressing workforce needs.

Publication Date May 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Interventions and Adaptations To Strengthen Data Quality and Use for COVID-19 Vaccination: A Mixed Methods Evaluation

This mixed-methods evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine-related data and digital interventions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Niger, and Vietnam explores mid-course adaptations. It highlights that adaptations were driven by need and funding availability, leading to improved data availability and quality, although challenges remain in data use and eHealth building blocks.

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