Pakistan Advances Postpartum Family Planning with Support of MOMENTUM

Published on May 9, 2024

MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership has successfully closed in Pakistan, leaving behind a more robust system for integrating quality postpartum family planning (PPFP) services into routine health services in two districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province.

In the province, maternal deaths account for 16% of deaths among women of reproductive age. Family planning, especially in the postpartum period, can help women plan and space their births for optimal maternal and child health outcomes.

From January 2022 to March 2024, the project advanced PPFP services in the districts of Kohat and Hangu in partnership with the Departments of Health (DOH) and Population Welfare (PWD) and two local academic institutions. Together, MOMENTUM and partners:

  • Strengthened governance and coordination in PPFP program implementation by revitalizing district technical committees and supporting effective coordination between the DOH and PWD.
  • Improved capacity of 114 providers in 17 health facilities and 29 community midwives to provide quality and integrated PPFP services through clinical and counseling training and supportive supervision.
  • Enhanced and comprehensive PPFP recording and reporting system, including adding PPFP indicators to DHIS II and equipped 24 health facilities to transition from DHIS I (paper based) to DHIS II (digitalized).
  • Increased understanding of norms and practices at the community level around family planning.

“Before the project, we didn’t have trained staff, but now we have a skilled provider including trained personnel in PPFP. There was no labor room or any family planning commodities, now we have both with MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership support.” -Dr. Muhammad Kousar, BHU Incharge, Serozai, Hangu district

These efforts contributed to a rise in the number of women who left targeted health facilities with the modern FP method of their choice.

At a final learning and dissemination event, government stakeholders lauded the project as a potential game-changer for women’s health in KP and beyond in Pakistan.

“I’m thrilled to announce the outstanding success of our PPFP intervention in KP’s Kohat and Hangu districts, all thanks to the unwavering support of USAID MOMENTUM,” said Dr. Shaukat Ali, Director General of Health for KP province. “With a revitalized District Technical Committee and the provision of kits…we effectively addressed contraceptive stock shortages. Together, we’ve made significant strides in improving maternal and reproductive health outcomes, highlighting the importance of collaborative efforts. Let’s continue this momentum for even greater achievements ahead.”

Moving forward, Pakistan’s Department of Health and Population Welfare has endorsed findings from community and policy analyses and agreed to integrate findings into PPFP strategies and initiatives. And the health providers, officials, community leaders, and research institutes engaged by the project will continue to use their skills and knowledge as champions for PPFP services in Pakistan.

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