National Dashboard Launched in Haiti to Improve Vaccination Data Use

Published on April 17, 2024

Epidemiological officers and MOMENTUM staff review data in Haiti’s Northeast department monitoring room. Photo Credit: MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity

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On Apr 16, 2024, Haiti’s Evaluation and Planning Unit joined the National Immunization Program Coordination Unit and MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity to virtually launch Haiti’s national dashboard for analysis and visualization of COVID-19 vaccination data.

MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity works to strengthen health systems and increase equitable immunization coverage in USAID-supported countries. One of the project’s goals is to improve the management, analysis, and use of COVID-19 vaccination data.

To overcome challenges with the timeliness to data entry and completeness, MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity collaborates with Haiti’s Ministry of Public Health and Population to establish monitoring rooms at the national- and sub-national- levels. Designed as a permanent convening structure for data managers and partners, the national monitoring room staff will facilitate decision making by reviewing COVID-19 vaccination activities regularly, ensuring alignment of COVID-19 and routine immunization partners and activities, and identifying solutions to challenges based on data from subnational monitoring rooms.

Haiti’s Expanded Program on Immunization target population as shown on the new dashboard.

“The dashboard will help manage the cold chain and support decision-making by providing real-time [vaccination] data, allowing for better monitoring of the [vaccination] program,” shared Roody Thermidor, Deputy Design and Programming Manager for Haiti’s Ministry of Public Health and Population.

In collaboration with the Country Health Information Systems and Data Use project, MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity will continue to support the national and Artibonite, North, and Northeast departmental monitoring rooms by providing data analysis and interpretation training to immunization program management staff and epidemiologic surveillance officers and conducting supportive supervision visits. Following training sessions, the project will support data review and coordination meetings.

For more information about MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity’s work in Haiti, read the country program brief here.

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