Communities of Practice

MOMENTUM projects host several communities of practice (CoPs) on a variety of topics. See below for a list of of these CoPs and to learn how you can join.

Contraceptive and Method Choice CoP

The Contraceptive and Method Choice CoP serves as a platform for the exchange of technical information to advance access to quality family planning programming on the full range of contraceptive options with special attention to the promotion of person-centered, voluntary informed choice of whether, when, and what method a client desires.

The CoP actively engages global and country partners to share successes, learning, and challenges to improve the provision and reach of high-quality, person-centered, and evidence-based, family planning programs for individuals, couples, families, and communities.

How to connect with the COP:

  • Rebecca Husband, co-lead:
  • Megan Christofield, co-lead:

How to sign up: Write to or navigate to the Method Choice community of practice on IBP Network.

Emergency Preparedness and Resilience (EPR)/Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) Sub-Working Group

This sub-working group under the Inter-agency Working Group (IAWG) on Reproductive Health in Crises is co-led by MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience, the Women’s Refugee Committee, and the International Rescue Committee. In 2024, the EPR and MISP sub-working groups merged to form a new, combined sub-working group. Its purpose is to advance emergency preparedness for sexual and reproductive health services, the MISP response, and recovery to foster health resilience.

To connect: Click here for more info on the IAWG sub-working groups.

To join: Send a message to

Male Engagement Task Force

The Interagency Gender Working Group’s Male Engagement Task Force (METF) is an information, advocacy, and knowledge exchange network on what it means to engage men and boys in health promotion and gender equality. The METF aims to explore why we should engage men and boys, what are the benefits, how to do it, what works and doesn’t work, and what modalities of health services can better reach and include men and boys. The diverse health areas addressed include family planning (access, delivery, uptake, utilization, family planning methods); sexual and reproductive health and rights;  maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health; breastfeeding; gender-based violence (GBV); HIV/AIDS (prevention, testing, treatment, care, adherence); malaria; and tuberculosis. The METF will consider relevant efforts to understand and address these health areas across social and behavior change (including shifting social and gender norms), service delivery, research, and policy.

How to sign up: to subscribe to the CoP or adjust your email delivery settings, visit this page. Please make sure that you are signed into a Google account to access the group.

How to connect: 

  • Jhpiego and MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership
    • Myra Betron, co-chair:
  • Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs and Breakthrough ACTION
    • Dominick Shattuck, co-chair:
    • Danette Wilkins,
    • Kendra Davis,
  • Population Council
    • Julie Pulerwitz, co-chair:
    • Ann Gottert:
  • The Center on Gender Equity and Health at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) and Agency for All
    • Peter Waiswa, co-chair:
    • Courtney McLarnon:

Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition, Family Planning, and Immunization (MIYCN-FP-Immunization) Integration Community of Practice

The vision of the MIYCN-FP-Immunization Integration CoP is to increase the quality and convenience of comprehensive care for women during pregnancy and the first year postpartum, as well as their infants and young children, through effective connections across high-impact, high-priority nutrition, family planning, and immunization services. CoP members include service providers, implementers, researchers, policymakers, and government officials with multidisciplinary experience at global, regional, national, and subnational levels.

How to connect: Lindsey Miller, Technical Manager for Family Planning at MOMENTUM Country & Global Leadership/Jhpiego,

How to sign up: Register for the CoP here.

Relevant Resources: 

PAC (Post-abortion Care) Connection CoP

The PAC Connection, established in 2008, is an interagency working group of USAID and its implementing partners with activities or interest in PAC., maintained by the PAC Connection, provides the latest in PAC implementation resources, peer-reviewed research, historical PAC resources, and country case studies to support the introduction and scale-up of quality post-abortion care globally. The CoP is currently managed by MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership in close collaboration with a global steering committee. The PAC Connection meets semi-annually to share best practices, lessons learned, and technical knowledge and to prioritize issues to discuss and ideas for USAID/Washington-funded PAC activities. PAC Connection members also vet new technical materials intended to be posted on

How to connect: For more information on either PAC Connection or, please contact PAC Connection co-chairs, Isabella Atieno Ochieng ( and Shani Turke (

Perinatal Mental Health (PMH) CoP

The PMH CoP is a global collaborative platform for anyone interested or working in maternal and newborn health, mental health, and related fields. The community’s focus is to provide opportunities for those living and working in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to share practical and effective PMH tools, best practices, and strategies to problem-solve shared challenges as a community and engage in reciprocal learning.

The PMH CoP strives to create a dynamic and inclusive environment for its members to collaborate in the following ways:

  1. Connect individuals who have an interest in enhancing and advocating for PMH prevention, care, and treatment in LMICs.
  2. Collaborate to address challenges, answer questions and harness the power of a global community for peer learning.
  3. Disseminate the latest evidence, lessons learned, program achievements and implementation guidance.

The CoP has four technical working groups, each with two co-leads, that focus on priority aspects of perinatal mental health: information, knowledge exchange and learning; evidence and impact; advocacy; and adolescent.

Want to read past issues of the PMH CoP’s monthly newsletter? Visit the archive here.

How to connect: Any general questions or inquiries can be sent to

How to sign up: Go to this link and fill out the form. After pressing subscribe, you are automatically added to the PMH CoP listserv.

Relevant resources: 

Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) CoP

The Postpartum Hemorrhage Community of Practice is a dynamic, interconnected, global learning platform that supports the dissemination and implementation of current evidence, and the sharing of country-to-country experiences to achieve global targets for postpartum hemorrhage.


  • Support and enable countries to share implementation experiences (both positive and negative) to catalyze change.
  • Disseminate knowledge, evidence, and implementation best practices so countries have what they need and can act to achieve national and global targets to reduce preventable PPH.
  • The PPH CoP will be directed and led by country representatives who come from all regions and are able to share learning and diverse points of view and will incorporate experiences of women and providers.

How to sign up: Go to this link and fill out the form. After pressing subscribe, you are automatically added to the PPH CoP listserv.

How to connect: for general inquiries, contact

  • David Ntirushwa, co-chair:
  • Cherrie Evans, co-chair:

Relevant resources: 

Task-Sharing Technical Working Group

This working group is co-led by MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience and MOMENTUM Safe Surgery in Family Planning and Reproductive Health. This working group aims to bring together stakeholders in family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) to advance task-sharing as one of the approaches to expand universal access to FP/RH care, including in fragile and conflict-affected settings.

To join or learn more: Erica Mills ( and Kathryn Mimno (

Very Young Adolescents (VYA) CoP

Very young adolescence (VYA; ages 10–14) is a time of significant change. This age group experiences major physical and socio-emotional changes as they go through puberty, and they increasingly experience the constraints and expectations of gender inequality. Gender inequalities have been linked to a multitude of negative consequences including early marriage, early childbearing, social isolation, and increased likelihood of school dropout. The VYA CoP has been in existence for over 10 years with the goal of bringing together VYA implementers, researchers, donors, and other stakeholders to share the latest evidence and exchange learning around health and gender programming for VYAs.

The CoP’s specific goals are:

  1. Raise awareness of the importance of investing in VYAs to improve both short-term and long-term health, gender, and development outcomes;
  2. Identify emerging best practices and share evidence-based experiences, tools, and guidelines more widely;
  3. Provide opportunities for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers to reflect, document, and share learnings to support effective VYA programs.

How to connect: You can email and/or Meroji Sebany, CoP Co-Chair and Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Advisor for Save the Children US, at

How to sign up: sign up here.

Relevant resources: 

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