Publication Date November 1, 2021 Training & Guidance

Complexity Aware Monitoring (CAM) Workshop Series

MOMENTUM Knowledge Accelerator hosted a five-session Complexity Aware Monitoring (CAM) Workshop webinar series in July and August 2021. The workshop featured CAM practitioners from both within and outside the MOMENTUM suite of awards to present CAM approaches and provide real-world applications in a dynamic, interactive setting. The workshops were an opportunity for MOMENTUM Knowledge Accelerator to build the capacity of MOMENTUM field and headquarters staff, USAID staff, and other external participants in the use of CAM approaches. The engaging sessions featured breakout groups, discussions, and question and answer sessions with experts on topics ranging from preparation to implement CAM approaches to integrating specific approaches like outcome harvesting, most significant change, and pause and reflect into their programming. 

Publication Date November 1, 2021 Research & Evidence

Organizational Capacity: An Enhanced Framework

This report provides an overview of current organizational capacity literature and proposes a new enhanced framework that reflects on the evolution of capacity development thinking in recent years. The framework also considers MOMENTUM’s programmatic interests in performance, resilience, sustainability, adaptive learning, and systems thinking. This new framework hones in on a limited set of key observable behaviors and practices that drive organizational performance rather than on the documents and structures often sought as evidence of organizational capacity. By doing so, it offers preliminary suggestions for how MOMENTUM and others can use the framework for capacity planning and measurement and brings organizational performance to the forefront of capacity development.

Publication Date October 1, 2021 Webinars

Boosting Immunization Reach through Private Sector Engagement

On October 13, 2021, MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery convened experts from the MOMENTUM suite of awards, USAID India, implementing partners from South Africa and Kenya, the World Health Organization, and other partners for a webinar to discuss how the private sector can be leveraged to reach more people with routine immunizations and COVID-19 vaccinations. Opening remarks from USAID’s Immunization Team Lead, Folake Olayinka, highlighted the agency’s diverse portfolio of immunization programming over the past 30 years and invited attendees to think about new and effective ways to engage the private sector to support immunization goals and extend equitable access to life-saving vaccines for all.

Publication Date October 1, 2021 Research & Evidence

Engaging Faith Actors to Boost Immunization Uptake and Combat Vaccine Hesitancy: Evidence and Promising Practices

The Policy Brief “Engaging Faith Actors to Boost Immunization Uptake and Combat Vaccine Hesitancy” is a 5-page short synopsis of our global evidence summary of faith actor engagement in the uptake and coverage of immunization in low- and middle-income countries. The brief highlights evidence-based approaches to engaging local faith actors in immunization as well as identifying current evidence gaps. It also outlines recommendations and future action steps based on the landscape analysis.

Publication Date October 1, 2021 Research & Evidence

Strengthening Youth-led Family Planning and Reproductive Health Initiatives

This brief highlights the lessons learned from a collaboration with youth from the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IAYFP). From August 2020 to January 2021, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership collaborated with IYAFP to strengthen the capacity of three IYAFP country focal points—located in Kenya and Malawi—to plan and implement COVID-19-responsive, youth-led family planning and reproductive health initiatives. IYAFP is a global, youth-led organization dedicated to advancing sexual and reproductive health, human rights, and justice for youth, by youth. This brief shares the lessons learned from the collaboration as well as recommendations for future engagement. 

Publication Date October 1, 2021 Research & Evidence

Policy, Program, and Operational Learnings Report of iCCM and CMAM Integration

Currently, only about one-third of children with severe acute malnutrition have access to community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) where trained community health workers provide treatment. Integrated community case management (iCCM) is a strategy to equip community health workers with the knowledge and skills necessary to assess and counsel families with sick children and limited access to health facilities. This approach can improve treatment coverage and cure rates of severe wasting. The findings in this document share programmatic considerations and policy considerations with this approach.

Publication Date October 1, 2021 About MOMENTUM

Strengthening Health Resilience in Northern Mali

MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience aims to increase the resilience and preparedness of health systems in the regions of Gao and Timbuktu in northern Mali by working with the Ministry of Health, stakeholders, and other partners to improve maternal, newborn, and child health, as well as voluntary family planning and reproductive health. Download this fact sheet to learn more about the project's work in northern Mali.

Publication Date September 1, 2021 Webinars

Strengthening Health Resilience to Improve Voluntary Family Planning in Fragile Settings

More than half of all maternal and child deaths occur in countries affected by conflict, disasters, weak governance and institutions, population displacements, and other acute and chronic shocks and stresses. In these settings, increased illness and death result from disruptions to basic health services and systems. From self-care and respectful care to supply chain management, traditional development approaches need adaptations and refinements in fragile settings to strengthen the health resilience of individuals, households, communities, and the broader health system to minimize the impact of shocks and stresses. The webinar presenters cover these issues; webinar participants submitted numerous questions and comments for discussion during the final portion of the webinar.

Publication Date September 1, 2021 About MOMENTUM

MOMENTUM Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Framework: A Brief Summary

The MOMENTUM Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning framework lays out the conceptual roadmap to realize the MOMENTUM vision, which is that all individuals, families, and communities have equitable access to and make use of comprehensive, high-quality maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition programs, voluntary family planning services, and reproductive health care. It is based on key concepts, relationships, and pathways through which MOMENTUM will achieve the four results shared by MOMENTUM awards.

Publication Date September 1, 2021 Research & Evidence

Measuring and Assessing Capacity: A Landscape Review

This landscape review aims to support MOMENTUM partners' efforts to introduce, deliver, scale up, and sustain high-quality maternal, newborn, and child health services through sound capacity measurement. The review defines the different levels and types of capacity relevant to MOMENTUM that can be measured; clarifies the distinction between capacity and performance; identifies key capacity measurement tool types and assessing their general suitability for capturing different capacities relevant to MOMENTUM; and proposes promising approaches for capacity measurement, capacity indicators, and capacity measurement tool selection that reflect the operational realities of MOMENTUM partners.

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