
Publication Date September 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Capacity Strengthening for Youth-Led Organizations

MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership worked with eight African youth-led organizations (YLO) to consolidate learning and co-create guidance on the organizational, technical, and network capacity-strengthening needs of YLOs. Through this effort, MOMENTUM supported YLOs to lead the development of the following resources:

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Training & Guidance

2024 Postabortion Care Curriculum

Postabortion care (PAC) is a package of lifesaving interventions that combines maternal healthcare, including emergency treatment for complications of induced or spontaneous abortion, with voluntary contraceptive counseling and service delivery before a PAC client is discharged from a facility. When PAC is accessible, affordable, of high-quality, and performed by capable healthcare providers, it can prevent maternal deaths and disabilities and improve access to contraception.

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Baseline Recurrent Monitoring System for Health in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo

This baseline report establishes a benchmark for follow-up rounds of a recurrent monitoring system (RMS) taking place in North Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). An RMS is a survey and analysis method that uses panel data from the same households over several timepoints to capture real-time or near real-time information on shocks, capacities, and health and well-being outcomes. This report covers an RMS that is a part of work done by MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience, which seeks to assess the impact of shocks on health and health resilience capacities, as measured by individual and household knowledge, skills, behaviors, assets, social capital, and coping strategies related to voluntary family planning and reproductive health; maternal, newborn, and child health; and nutrition.

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Performance Mapping and Improvement System (PERFORM)

PERFORM is an easy-to-use, systems-oriented tool based on MOMENTUM Knowledge Accelerator’s Enhanced Organizational Capacity Framework that assists partners and program implementers in identifying needed performance improvement course corrections in a timely manner. PERFORM offers a comprehensive suite of performance enhancement tools and processes that instills a deeper understanding of performance improvement and a discipline of reflection and learning within an organization. PERFORM can advance localization through flexible, locally driven processes that yield validated measurement results and strengthen skills for internal analysis and self-learning. The system’s framework and monitoring approach, through short-term cycles, can be applied on its own or in combination with components of other assessment tools and monitoring processes. Further, PERFORM can yield measurable results for reporting on USAID’s CBLD-9 local capacity indicator and can contribute to the 10 best practices in USAID’s locally led programs indicator.

Publication Date August 1, 2024 Webinars

Série de webinaires | Renforcement de l’analyse et de l’utilisation des données de routine des établissements pour la santé de la mère, du nouveau-né, de l’enfant et de l’adolescent

Les données de routine des établissements de santé aident les décideurs à mieux comprendre l'état de préparation, l'utilisation et la qualité des services des établissements, ce qui permet de prendre des décisions en matière de politiques et de ressources fondées sur des données probantes. La série de webinaires de MOMENTUM « Renforcer l'analyse et l'utilisation des données de routine des établissements de santé pour la santé maternelle, néonatale, infantile et adolescente » est une « formation des formateurs » pour les professionnels du suivi, de l'évaluation et de l'apprentissage qui travaillent avec MOMENTUM, l'USAID et d'autres partenaires.

Publication Date August 1, 2024 Webinars

Atteindre le dernier kilomètre dans les environnements fragiles : Apprendre des défis et des stratégies de la chaîne d’approvisionnement au Mali, au Niger et au Soudan

Le 29 août 2024, MOMENTUM a organisé un webinaire mettant en lumière les expériences du Mali, du Niger et du Soudan concernant leurs défis, stratégies et leçons apprises pour renforcer la résilience des chaînes d'approvisionnement au dernier kilomètre dans des contextes fragiles et humanitaires.

Publication Date August 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Accelerating Adaptive Learning: Resources, Tools, and Insights from MOMENTUM

This brief, a MOMENTUM learning agenda product, explores adaptive learning efforts within the MOMENTUM awards. It aims to take a closer look at adaptive learning practices and knowledge gained in the first few years of project implementation, to share high-level learnings to improve future work.

Publication Date August 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

COVID-19 Vaccination Program in Review: Serbia

As MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity’s COVID-19 vaccination program in Serbia comes to an end, we look back on the successes, challenges, and lessons learned that the project had in reaching underserved and priority populations and strengthening the health system. Download this report to learn more about the COVID-19 vaccination program in Serbia, which was conducted from May 2022 to June 2024.

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