
Publication Date August 1, 2020 About MOMENTUM


MOMENTUM is a suite of innovative awards funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development to holistically improve family planning and maternal and child health in host-countries around the world.

Publication Date August 1, 2020 About MOMENTUM

Fiche d’information sur MOMENTUM

MOMENTUM est un ensemble de six projets innovants financés par l'Agence Américaine pour le Développement International afin d'améliorer de manière globale la planification familiale et la santé maternelle et infantile dans les pays d'accueil du monde entier.

Publication Date August 1, 2020 About MOMENTUM

Fiche d’information sur MOMENTUM Leadership national et mondial

MOMENTUM Leadership national et mondial fournit une assistance technique et de développement des capacités aux ministères de la santé et à d'autres partenaires nationaux afin d'étendre le leadership et l'apprentissage au niveau mondial et de permettre aux partenariats dirigés par le gouvernement de fournir des interventions de haute qualité, fondées sur des preuves, qui accélèrent la réduction de la mortalité et de la morbidité maternelles, néonatales et infantiles.

Publication Date July 1, 2020 Webinars

COVID-19 Webinar Series: Ensuring Continuity of Child Health & Immunization Services

On July 23, 2020, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership held a webinar with leaders from Bangladesh, Sierra Leone, and Ghana to discuss how countries can best mitigate disruptions to child health and immunization services amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants learned about the dramatic recovery of health service utilization in Bangladesh due to national guidelines on vaccinations, child health services, and increased capacity building for providers to prevent and control infections. In Sierra Leone, health services and client flow were restructured to safely restore services. Ghana has responded broadly to COVID-19 from universal handwashing and mass communication to telemedicine and drone supply-delivery.

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