
Publication Date January 1, 2025 Research & Evidence

Improving Health Workers’ Immunization Performance

The brief from MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity explores a behavior-focused methodology to enhance health worker performance in routine immunization services in Kenya. By employing behavior integration—a human-centered approach—the project identifies and addresses systemic barriers, such as inadequate training, limited resources, and poor community engagement, to improve immunization coverage. The initiative emphasizes co-creation, local ownership, and sustainability, enabling health workers and managers to adopt practices that enhance service quality and client experiences. This approach offers practical solutions to overcome entrenched challenges, fostering equitable access to life-saving vaccines.

Publication Date December 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Health Systems Considerations for the Adaptation and Redesign of Routine Immunization Services During and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

The report examines the impact of COVID-19 on routine immunization (RI) services in Mozambique, highlighting adaptations like outdoor service delivery, integrated care, and electronic data reporting. These changes addressed immediate disruptions and informed strategies for equitable, client-centered, and resilient RI services to withstand future health system shocks.

Publication Date December 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Boîte à outils pour documenter l’apprentissage adaptatif: Modèles et ressources pour faciliter la documentation de l’apprentissage adaptif

Cette boîte à outils a été conçue pour aider les utilisateurs à améliorer la façon dont ils documentent les activités d'apprentissage adaptatif et d'amélioration de la qualité. La boîte à outils comprend treize modèles modifiables qui peuvent être utilisés pour enregistrer des notes, des décisions et les prochaines étapes de diverses activités d'apprentissage adaptatif, y compris les examens après action, les examens de données, les enseignements tirés et le suivi des liens de causalité. En outre, la boîte à outils comprend des ressources documentaires générales sur l'amélioration de la qualité. Ces ressources sont résumées dans cinq tableaux qui décrivent le modèle, l'utilisation recommandée et les utilisateurs potentiels.

Publication Date December 1, 2024 About MOMENTUM

Répondre aux besoins des clients en matière d’information sanitaire : Approches de MOMENTUM concernant l’usage des outils de santé numérique en interaction directe avec les clients

Le but de l’ensemble des projets MOMENTUM est d’améliorer, de manière globale, les services de santé maternelle, néonatale, infantile et de nutrition, la planification familiale volontaire, ainsi que la santé reproductive (SMNIN/PF/SR) dans les pays partenaires du monde entier. Pour ce faire, MOMENTUM recourt à des approches novatrices, notamment l’utilisation d’outils de santé numérique, pour accroître les connaissances sanitaires des individus et les amener à rechercher les soins dont ils ont besoin, afin d’améliorer les résultats sanitaires. Ce document résume les conclusions sur la façon dont MOMENTUM et ses partenaires utilisent les outils numériques de santé orientés vers les clients. Nous examinons les stratégies et les approches d'utilisation de ces outils et leur impact sur l'accès à l'information sur la santé et les changements dans les comportements de recherche de soins.

Publication Date October 1, 2024 About MOMENTUM

Meeting Clients’ Health Information Needs: MOMENTUM’s Approaches to Using Client-Facing Digital Health Tools

The goal of the MOMENTUM suite of awards is to holistically improve maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition services, voluntary family planning, and reproductive health (MNCHN/FP/RH) in partner countries around the world. To that end, MOMENTUM uses innovative approaches, including the use of digital health tools, to enhance individuals’ health knowledge and care-seeking behaviors, with the goal of improving health outcomes. This brief summarizes findings about how MOMENTUM and its partners are using client-facing digital health tools. We examine the strategies and approaches to using these tools and their impact on access to health information and changes in care-seeking behaviors.

Publication Date October 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

MAMI Toolkit

The Management of Small and Nutritionally At-Risk Infants under 6 months and their Mothers (MAMI) Care Pathway is an approach aimed at addressing the care needs of vulnerable infants under six months old and their mothers. MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience partnered with the Ministries of Health in Niger and South Sudan to adapt and implement this approach, tailoring it to local contexts. This suite includes materials on preparation, implementation, and monitoring, evaluating and learning, for healthcare providers and their supervisors. Materials are available for download as PDFs, zip files, or individual documents.

Publication Date October 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Boîte à outils MAMI

Le parcours de soins pour la prise en charge des nourrissons âgés de moins de 6 mois, petits et à risque nutritionnel et de leurs mères (MAMI, Management of Small and Nutritionally At-Risk Infants under 6 months and their Mothers) est une approche visant à répondre aux besoins de soins des nourrissons vulnérables de moins de 6 mois et de leurs mères. MOMENTUM Résilience Sanitaire Intégrée s'est associé aux Ministères de la Santé du Niger et du Sud-Soudan pour adapter et mettre en œuvre cette approche (ou ce parcours de soins), en l'adaptant aux contextes locaux. Ce paquet comprend du matériel pour la préparation, la mise en œuvre et le suivi, l'évaluation et l'apprentissage, à l'intention des prestataires de soins et de leurs responsables. Le matériel peut être téléchargé sous forme de PDF, de fichiers zip ou de documents individuels.

Publication Date October 1, 2024 Research & Evidence

Using Behavior Integration to Identify Barriers and Motivators for COVID-19 Vaccination and Build a Vaccine Demand and Confidence Strategy in Southeastern Europe

This article was published on October 2, 2024 in the Journal Vaccines. This study used the Behavior Integration (BI) framework to identify barriers and motivators for COVID-19 vaccination in Moldova, North Macedonia, and Serbia, focusing on vaccine demand and confidence. Through qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys, the study found that vaccine safety concerns, logistical challenges, and institutional distrust were key barriers, while personal health concerns and recommendations from healthcare providers acted as motivators. Tailored strategies, such as medical provider training and patient workshops, were implemented to increase vaccine uptake, with positive results in knowledge and vaccination rates.

Publication Date October 1, 2024 Webinars

Harnessing Innovation: How MAKLab is Accelerating Progress for Health Services

On September 25, 2024, MOMENTUM held a webinar on the project's innovation lab, a unique mechanism designed to identify and spread promising solutions to complex challenges that enhance and sustain access to quality, equitable health services across the globe. Led by MOMENTUM Knowledge Accelerator, the Measurement, Adaptive Learning, and Knowledge Management Lab (MAKLab) offers specialized on-demand, technical support to the MOMENTUM suite of awards. This webinar highlighted three product solutions that have emerged from MAKLab: 1) Documenting Adaptive Learning Toolkit, 2) Factors Associated with Uptake and Use of Immunization Toolkits and Guidance, and 3) Adapting Training Materials for Blended Learning brief. During the webinar, attendees gained a deeper understanding of these key resources and heard real-world examples of how they’ve been used in various contexts

Publication Date September 1, 2024 Program & Technical Resources

Enhancing Quality of Care and Client Experience Through Client Feedback

The client feedback mechanism is a novel approach used by MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery Nepal to help private providers enhance quality of care and client-centered services. The brief describes the client feedback mechanism and results of its use with private service delivery points in Karnali and Madhesh provinces of Nepal from 2021-2023.

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