Quality of Care Resources
Experience of Care
Assessment | Client Leaflets on Safe and Healthy Birth
Assessment | Improving Metrics and Methods for Assessing Experience of Care Among Children and Caregivers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Assessment | Perception and Reality: Findings and Implications of a Study on Quality of Care in Family Planning
Blog Series | Experience of Care
Recommendations | Addressing Gender in Global Health and Development: Insights from MOMENTUM
Toolkit | Cesarean Delivery Informational Video
Health System Issues
Assessment | Maintaining Continuity of Essential Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Francophone West Africa
Assessment | Quality of Care for Family Planning: A Comparison of Private and Public Facilities in 7 Countries Using Survey Data
Intervention | Designing and Sustaining Innovations in Health Worker Capacity Building: Landscape Analysis from COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction
Intervention | COVID-19 Response and Mitigation: Strategies to maintain essential MNCH and FP/RH Services
Intervention | Using Data to Improve MNH Care During COVID-19
Measurement | Does Growth Monitoring and Promotion Work? A Search for Better Alternatives
Toolkit | From Youth Corners to Adolescent Responsive Health Systems
Provision of Care Assessments
Antenatal Care Interventions to Increase Contraceptive Use in the Period Following Birth in Low- And Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Assessing and Improving the Quality of Health Care and Systems at the Healthcare Facility and Beyond: Experience from the WHO Western Pacific Region
Current Approaches to Following Up Women and Newborns After Discharge from Childbirth Facilities: A Scoping Review
Enhancing Private Sector Engagement Within Mixed Service Delivery Networks for Improved Family Planning in the Philippines
Essential Supply List For Infection Prevention and Control in Health Care Facilities
Induction and Augmentation of Labor in India: Excessive and Inappropriate Use of Uterotonics In and Out of Health Facilities
Pre-service Midwifery Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Scoping Review
Promoting Children’s Health in Developing and Fragile Settings: Planning, Implementation, and Lessons Learned on Pediatric Death Audits Rollout
Revitalizing and Scaling Up Postpartum and Postabortion Family Planning Within Universal Health Coverage: Global Convening Report
Supporting High Quality Family Planning Services through Peer Communities in the Private Sector: An Experience from Nepal
Provision of Care Interventions
Breaking Through Barriers to Equity in Immunization by Mainstreaming Gender
Case Study: Vietnam | Supportive Supervision to Improve Quality of COVID-19 Vaccination Services
Counseling, Informed Consent, and Debriefing (CCD) for Cesarean Section: Hard to Define, Achieve, and Monitor – Key Findings from a Mixed Methods Study in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), India, and Nigeria
Implementing an Integrated Population, Health, and Environment Program in Western and Northern Tanzania to Build Resilience of Individuals, Households, and Communities
Implementing a Novel Facility-Community Intervention for Strengthening Integration of Infant Nutrition and Family Planning in Mara and Kagera, Tanzania
Improving Facility Readiness in Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) And Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) In Bangladesh
Improving Maternal and Infant Health: Adapting the MAMI Care Pathway in South Sudan
Nutrition Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health
Policy Dialogue for Respectful Maternal Care in Rwanda: Documenting Processes and Outcomes
Promoting Nurturing Care Within the Health Sector
Radio: A Low-Tech Solution to Deliver Integrated Nurturing Care Services During COVID-19
Self-Care: Transforming Health Outcomes and Fostering Agency and Empowerment
Strengthening COVID-19 Vaccination in DRC
Strengthening Routine Immunization and Polio Eradication in DRC
2022 IDEOF Webinar: The Importance of Rehabilitation and Reintegration in Holistic Fistula Care
Measuring Provision of Care
Provision of Care Recommendations
Counseling, Informed Consent, and Debriefing for Cesarean Section in Nigeria
Informed Consent for Cesarean Section in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Scoping Review Brief
Implementation of Task Sharing Guidelines for Long-Acting and Permanent Methods
Regular Measurement Is Essential but Insufficient to Improve Quality of Healthcare
Six Recommendations for Provider Behavior Change in Family Planning: Commentary
The State of the World’s Midwifery: A Caribbean Response
Thinking Big about Postabortion Care: Improving postabortion care and postabortion family planning through identification, prioritization, and enabling critical behaviors